UPDATE: The Assassination of Kamal Medhat in Lebanon

Related Post: The Killing of Kamal Medhat in Lebanon
Related Post: Senior Fatah Official Assassinated in Lebanon
Lebanese security sources are saying that Kamal Medhat (Kamal Naji), the Palestinian Liberation Organisation's deputy representative in Lebanon killed on Monday in a bombing, was " "a victim of [an] inter-Palestinian feud, due to a clear split within Fatah movement ranks". The Lebanese daily As-Safier said the dispute arose from new arrangements to separate the management of the organisation in Lebanon from Fatah's military wing, which Medhat was to lead.
Another Lebanese source, however, implied that the Islamist group Fatah al-Islam might have had a hand in the assassination. He warned that the Mieh Mieh camp in southern Lebanon, which Medhat was visiting, must not become "another Naher el-Barid camp".. Naher el-Barid, in the north of the country, was destroyed in 2007 in fighting between the Lebanese Amy and Fatah al-Islam.
Related Post: Senior Fatah Official Assassinated in Lebanon

Another Lebanese source, however, implied that the Islamist group Fatah al-Islam might have had a hand in the assassination. He warned that the Mieh Mieh camp in southern Lebanon, which Medhat was visiting, must not become "another Naher el-Barid camp".. Naher el-Barid, in the north of the country, was destroyed in 2007 in fighting between the Lebanese Amy and Fatah al-Islam.
Reader Comments (1)
Whoever it is, it's definitely Qa'eda or Iraqi affiliated. They're not taking credit for the attack, giving everyone else plenty of space to fling accusations. Remember the Zarqawi strategy: VERY VERY few attacks were ever credited directly to al-Qa'eda which allowed everyone to jump in and take credit and fling accusations, that way no matter who carries out the violence, EVERYONE thinks its the other guy, and they'll "retaliate" accordingly. Fatah al-Islam would be the most obvious, but Lebanon, especially the deep south, is crawling with bored sunnis back from the battlefields of Iraq, and it's only a matter of a time before they start acting.