EA's Chris Emery in The Guardian: "Iran Reserves Judgement"

Iran Reserves Judgement
The cautious response from Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to Barack Obama's new year greeting can be interpreted as an effort to contain the debate on US-Iranian engagement at a crucial moment in Iranian politics. Khamenei, after taking a day to contemplate his response, moved to prevent the issue distracting Iran's political leaders. His message to the Iranian political system and America was the same; Iranian domestic and economic politics, including the presidential elections, must now take precedent. For this reason, it is probably unrealistic to expect any major public gestures by Iranian officials until after the June elections.
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Reader Comments (1)
Brilliant take, but there's something that bothers me about his characterization of the Hillary-Iran relationship. I'm not sure if you can reconcile Khameini's sophistication as a political player with him taking Hillary's late-primary hawkishness seriously. I suppose you can, it just feels off.