Somalia: Declaration of Sharia Law

The move is an attempt to abate the fighting around the country and establish some base of political support for the Government. Despite the violence, 40,000 Somalis have returned to Mogadishu in recent weeks, following the departure of Ethiopian troops and the installation of Ahmed as President.

Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed,
Somalia in

Reader Comments (1)
What about outlawing stonings, death for apostasy, beheadings? What about equal rights for women? How about outlawing genital mutilation? Are all those non-negotiable?
Pakistan, Somalia, and now Russia. They're all giving into Islamic law. Who's next?
'GROZNY, Russia: The bullnecked president of Chechnya emerged from afternoon prayers at the mosque and with chilling composure explained why seven young women who had been shot in the head deserved to die.'
And the West's multiculti liberals will remain silent, as usual... Oh the humanity!