The Latest from Iran (13 June): And So It Goes On....

2130 GMT: We close the night with two features. We bask in the glory of being filtered by the Iranian Government (though reports tonight say that all WordPress-based sites are being filtered), and we have the text of Mehdi Karroubi's interview with CNN.
1950 GMT: Containing the Clerics (cont.). Now Basiji are reported to be outside the office of Saeed Montazeri, the son of the late Grand Ayatollah Montazeri.
There is also claimed video of a hostile crowd, with one making a fiery speech criticising opposition figures, outside Ayatollah Sane'i's home, which Mehdi Karroubi reportedly visited.
1640 GMT: Containing the Cleric. Kalemeh reports that Grand Ayatollah Sane'i's home in Qom was surrounded by Basiji militia. The plainclothesmen chanted slogans against Sane'i and Mehdi Karroubi, who was visiting a memorial service in the city.
Karroubi's son said his father's car was badly damaged by the militia.
1630 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. Azad University student activist Salman Sima was seized by plainclothes agents on Enghelab Avenue and taken to an unknown location.
Sima was also arrested in November 2009 and spent nearly 100 days in detention.
Kourosh Jannati, an Allameh Tabatabei University literature student, was arrested after reporting to the university’s security office. Aptin Pegah and Babak Ghiyasi, both Razi University students, were arrested in Kermanshah after a campus rally.
1625 GMT: The Battle Within. So we asked in the item below, "Establishment stalwart Abdolhossein Ruholamini may have defended the Supreme Leader, but what of the Government?"
Let's have a look at the answer:
1500 GMT: The Kahrizak Legacy. Abdolhossein Ruholamini, the campaign manager for Presidential candidate Mohsen Rezaei and the father of slain detainee Mohsen Ruholamini, has made an interesting manoeuvre in Khabar Online.
Ruholamini has declared that he is certain the Supreme Leader cares for the injured protesters. Fair enough --- Ayatollah Khamenei is covered.
But if the Supreme Leader is not to blame, what of the Government?
1400 GMT: US Puts Out Line on Human Rights. I'm not sure how we missed this yesterday....
The State Department has put out the strongest American statement on human rights in Iran since June 2009, calling for "the immediate release of all imprisoned human rights defenders" (and listing some of them by name).
We've posted the text in a separate entry.
1315 GMT: How Many Were Arrested on 22 Khordaad? Rah-e-Sabz amidst reports on Mashhad, Najafabad, Sistan and Baluchestan, and Shiraz as well as Tehran, says more than 200 were arrested in the capital.
1235 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. Activist Davoud Solemani has written an open letter to the Supreme Leader about "my interrogation with beatings and insults".
1225 GMT: How Many Were Arrested on 22 Khordaad? Human Rights Activists News Agency claim that more than 600 men and 300 women were detained at some point yesterday.
1145 GMT: Economy Watch --- All is Well Edition. Central Bank Governor Mahmud Bahmani has put out the message, "Iran will pay a guaranteed 10 percent interest on foreign investment…the Central Bank and Economy Ministry will guarantee the return of the principal and capital profit."
1115 GMT: Journalist in Exile. The Guardian of London features an article by Saeed Kamali Dehghan, a reporter who fled Iran last summer, leaving his family behind.
0815 GMT: Rafsanjani Watch. Rah-e-Sabz, drawing from Iran Labor News Agency, claims that former President Hashemi Rafsanjani, speaking as chairman of the Expediency Council, condemned the heckling of Ayatollah Khomeini's grandson Seyed Hassan Khomeini at the 4 June ceremony commemorating the death of his grandfather.
0810 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. Iran Labor Report summarises the recent arrests of labour activists. Reza Shahabi of the Tehran Bus Workers Union is the most recent detainee, picked up yesterday morning at work.
0805 GMT: And in Southeastern Iran. RAHANA reports, "On Saturday June 12, 2010, a silent demonstration and hunger strike ceremony was held at the University of Sistan and Baluchestan. About 1000 people attended this ceremony from different ethnic backgrounds, including Kurdish, Lor and Baluch....At the end of this gathering, students held a large human chain and announced they would hold another gathering in case any disciplinary verdicts was issued for them."
0755 GMT: 22 Khordaad Around the World. While our attention was on the day inside Iran, rallies in more than 80 cities outside the country marked the anniversary of the election. Rah-e-Sabz summarises 28 events. A human chain was forged in Paris:
There's video from Berlin:
And a picture from London:

0730 GMT: After the events of 22 Khordaad yesterday, which seemed to indicate that there are no conclusions --- just an ongoing political battle --- we offer two analyses: Josh Shahryar reviews the day, "What Happened and What It Means", while Scott Lucas takes his eyes from football's World Cup to blow an interim whistle and declares, "Greens 1, Darks 0".
We also offer a musical moment which may or may not have some relevance.
1950 GMT: Containing the Clerics (cont.). Now Basiji are reported to be outside the office of Saeed Montazeri, the son of the late Grand Ayatollah Montazeri.
There is also claimed video of a hostile crowd, with one making a fiery speech criticising opposition figures, outside Ayatollah Sane'i's home, which Mehdi Karroubi reportedly visited.
NEW Iran Document: Karroubi “Greens Stronger & More Mature Than Last Year” (12 June)
NEW Iran Special: EA Gets Highest Award from Tehran Government!
NEW Iran: The US State Department’s Comment on the Election Anniversary
NEW Iran Result: The 22 Khordaad Cup “Greens 1, Darks 0″ (Lucas)
Iran Analysis: 22 Khordaad — What Happened and What It Means (Shahryar)
Latest Iran Video: Protests of 22 Khordaad (12 June)
Iran: Not Forgetting 22 Khordaad “The Day We Chose to Live” (Pedestrian)
The Latest from Iran (12 June): 22 Khordaad
1640 GMT: Containing the Cleric. Kalemeh reports that Grand Ayatollah Sane'i's home in Qom was surrounded by Basiji militia. The plainclothesmen chanted slogans against Sane'i and Mehdi Karroubi, who was visiting a memorial service in the city.
Karroubi's son said his father's car was badly damaged by the militia.
1630 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. Azad University student activist Salman Sima was seized by plainclothes agents on Enghelab Avenue and taken to an unknown location.
Sima was also arrested in November 2009 and spent nearly 100 days in detention.
Kourosh Jannati, an Allameh Tabatabei University literature student, was arrested after reporting to the university’s security office. Aptin Pegah and Babak Ghiyasi, both Razi University students, were arrested in Kermanshah after a campus rally.
1625 GMT: The Battle Within. So we asked in the item below, "Establishment stalwart Abdolhossein Ruholamini may have defended the Supreme Leader, but what of the Government?"
Let's have a look at the answer:
The remarkable participation of people in support of the system on various occasions should not be construed as a pretext to conceal the inefficiency and incompetence of some state officials, [Ruholamnini] underlined.
Last year “I deemed it appropriate that president Ahmadinejad would not stay in the office…. At the time I was supporting another candidate and I believed that he was qualified and competent to become the next president, Ruholamini stated.
Ruholamini criticized the performance of the national TV prior and after the election in supporting a particular candidate.
Such performance gave rise to the belief among the public that the national TV is taking side, thus the root cause of some regrettable events after the election could be attributed to such impartial performance, he added.
Without providing a “tranquil environment” in the society based on “reason and understanding” it would be impossible to properly run the country, he explained.
Unfortunately a group of people who claim to support the principlist axioms has totally ignored moral principles and in order to harm their rivals resort to any immoral means, he lamented.
Under such environment, it is noticed that critics and those who are serving the system are removed from their duties under different pretexts.
“I should say that such an approach is not an appropriate strategy to resolve problems,” he added.
1500 GMT: The Kahrizak Legacy. Abdolhossein Ruholamini, the campaign manager for Presidential candidate Mohsen Rezaei and the father of slain detainee Mohsen Ruholamini, has made an interesting manoeuvre in Khabar Online.
Ruholamini has declared that he is certain the Supreme Leader cares for the injured protesters. Fair enough --- Ayatollah Khamenei is covered.
But if the Supreme Leader is not to blame, what of the Government?
1400 GMT: US Puts Out Line on Human Rights. I'm not sure how we missed this yesterday....
The State Department has put out the strongest American statement on human rights in Iran since June 2009, calling for "the immediate release of all imprisoned human rights defenders" (and listing some of them by name).
We've posted the text in a separate entry.
1315 GMT: How Many Were Arrested on 22 Khordaad? Rah-e-Sabz amidst reports on Mashhad, Najafabad, Sistan and Baluchestan, and Shiraz as well as Tehran, says more than 200 were arrested in the capital.
1235 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. Activist Davoud Solemani has written an open letter to the Supreme Leader about "my interrogation with beatings and insults".
1225 GMT: How Many Were Arrested on 22 Khordaad? Human Rights Activists News Agency claim that more than 600 men and 300 women were detained at some point yesterday.
1145 GMT: Economy Watch --- All is Well Edition. Central Bank Governor Mahmud Bahmani has put out the message, "Iran will pay a guaranteed 10 percent interest on foreign investment…the Central Bank and Economy Ministry will guarantee the return of the principal and capital profit."
1115 GMT: Journalist in Exile. The Guardian of London features an article by Saeed Kamali Dehghan, a reporter who fled Iran last summer, leaving his family behind.
0815 GMT: Rafsanjani Watch. Rah-e-Sabz, drawing from Iran Labor News Agency, claims that former President Hashemi Rafsanjani, speaking as chairman of the Expediency Council, condemned the heckling of Ayatollah Khomeini's grandson Seyed Hassan Khomeini at the 4 June ceremony commemorating the death of his grandfather.
0810 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. Iran Labor Report summarises the recent arrests of labour activists. Reza Shahabi of the Tehran Bus Workers Union is the most recent detainee, picked up yesterday morning at work.
0805 GMT: And in Southeastern Iran. RAHANA reports, "On Saturday June 12, 2010, a silent demonstration and hunger strike ceremony was held at the University of Sistan and Baluchestan. About 1000 people attended this ceremony from different ethnic backgrounds, including Kurdish, Lor and Baluch....At the end of this gathering, students held a large human chain and announced they would hold another gathering in case any disciplinary verdicts was issued for them."
0755 GMT: 22 Khordaad Around the World. While our attention was on the day inside Iran, rallies in more than 80 cities outside the country marked the anniversary of the election. Rah-e-Sabz summarises 28 events. A human chain was forged in Paris:
There's video from Berlin:
And a picture from London:

0730 GMT: After the events of 22 Khordaad yesterday, which seemed to indicate that there are no conclusions --- just an ongoing political battle --- we offer two analyses: Josh Shahryar reviews the day, "What Happened and What It Means", while Scott Lucas takes his eyes from football's World Cup to blow an interim whistle and declares, "Greens 1, Darks 0".
We also offer a musical moment which may or may not have some relevance.
22 Khordaad,
Abdolhossein Ruholamini,
Aptin Pegah,
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri,
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,
Ayatollah Yusuf Sane'i,
Babak Ghiyasi,
Hashemi Rafsanjani,
Hillary Clinton,
Human Rights Activists News Agency,
Iran Elections 2009,
Iran Labor News Agency,
Iran Labor Report,
Josh Shahryar,
Kourosh Jannati,
Mehdi Karroubi,
Mohsen Ruholamini,
Reza Shahabi,
Saeed Kamali Dehghan,
Saeed Montazeri,
Salman Sima,
Scott Lucas,
Seyed Hassan Khomeini,
State Department,
Tehran Bus Workers Union,
The Guardian,
University of Sistan and Baluchestan in
Middle East & Iran