Comment Pre-Moderation

Following our post at the weekend, this evening we've switched on pre-moderation of 'anonymous' comments. This means that if you're not signed in, your comment won't appear until it has been approved by one of the EA team.

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Reader Comments (34)
What's your criteria for moderation? Etiquette or content of opinion? I think you should make that clear. You haven't published my reply to Angie in the previous post.
Last night we switched on pre-moderation for all 'anonymous' (non-signed-in) comments:" rel="nofollow">
Generally in my life, I fight against censorship, dictatorship and filtering, so I say goodbye to all my friends here on EA; I have had unforgettable moments with you ; inshallah one day in Iran; Viva our country, Viva Iranian people VVV
Ange, it's not censorship or dictatorship, we simply can't stop the kind of bile that appeared on our site from anonymous commenters last night without some kind of pre-moderation. If you can let me know a way of contacting you I'll try and sort something out for you. Please send me an email: enduringamerica [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks.
Mike, thank you very much for deleting comments from Holocaust deniers like tehranweekly. I got really upset, when I saw them yesterday.
Ange, moderating comments is not only a right, but also a duty of an accountable blog owner (see above). I regret that you misread it as censorship, never encountered such attempts on EA.
I already sent you an email, but I think, why are you obliged to hurt all your readers in order to prevent a few others; tehranweekly, we see him once every two month; I regret not to see Samuel for exemple, when he dosen't speak about hezbollah and Nasrallah ( I am sick of him ), he's very wise and I enjoy his comments; this is the democracy that I want; everybody has to be welcomed and people inside take their decisions.
Ange, I haven't received your email yet.
This isn't about one person's comments- last night I deleted 8 or 10 comments which were all from new people who clearly hadn't read the post before leaving a comment about their hatred for Jews/Muslims etc etc, all of which appeared in the couple of hours that nobody from EA was monitoring the site. Most people won't see most of these comments because we delete them, but unless someone is able to read every comment as soon as it appears some stay on the site for a few hours and simply encourage more people to leave similar comments. This isn't what EA is for, and if we leave every comment up like you suggest then our comments will start to resemble those on Youtube.
We're not setting out to hurt or censor commenters, and once the email from you arrives we'll try to sort something out for you.
Ange, I fully agree with Arshama. Stay, please?
I agree with both Arshama and WitteKr...Ange you should not take this as censorship of free thought...but a means to ensure the thought that is posted is one that is respectful. Mike responded to an incident, before the filtering, where, I was called a "terrorist" by a commentor...what was the reason for this? These are the kinds of comments that do not belong on this site. Comments such as yours are the type that DO belong on this site.
Thank you Mike for your efforts.
It's so humiliating, when you click to send your comment,you don't see it and it appears a sentence saying: " your comment is reported to moderator to be approved by one of the EA team !! and it appears few long minutes ( 15- 20 mn ) after ; it's even not immediately, when one of the EA team has time to read and approve ! poor journalists or artists in Iran, I can understand what they feel ! very frustrating !
Ange, I think you're taking this small change far too personally. As I said earlier if you're completely unable to sign in I really can try to help- but I need to be able to contact you. Send me that email again, and I'll get back to you on Saturday.
Your superficial allegation has nothing to do with my comment. You will find enough other like-minded persons on EA. Go and play with them, please.
I find it quite disturbing that two of my comments - one on this post, the other on the previous one - has not been published. Why are you guys heading down this alarming road?
At 1 am , I sent an other reply, I don't see it; what a pity, it was interesting !
Mike I have no response in my email box ! I think your whole system dosen't work ! or you don't want to answer; this is an other problem !!
The issue should now be sorted.
It's pretty simple really. I was posting to this Forum until recently . I don't like this new DISQUS system. The old forum was good - except that they took away the ability to edit a post already made.
OK - past history. Now we have this. I found that I could post as a "guest" without registering - so I didn't bother to register. This is very unusual for Internet Forums - usually they require some sort of registration. So now I have registered with this Forum - took me about 10 seconds to do so.
Stop whinging and register - or stop using the Forum . Simple!
Dear Ange-Paris
As Bijan77 said it before – you should not take the Disqus system as censorship of free thoughts. Meanwhile to me it’s strongly unbearable to see how holocaust deniers and even deniers of human rights are using EA as a platform to spread their screwed ideas.
The point is with all the Samuels, Ali`s and Rezvans (the Cyber – Basiji) on this side:
They are the culprits and at least the supporters of a hard and inhuman repression of the expression of free thoughts inside Iran. On the other side they are using democratic platforms outside their country. And in recent months they never gave any kind of an answer regarding to oppression, rape, solitary confinement and torture.
Ange – do you really want that these types of people are hijacking EA?
I couldn’t understand why you don’t assume the offer of help from mike regarding in finding a solution.
Regards Gunniy
Dear Gunniy
Do you remember how many we were on this site and how many we are now !! where are Megan, Cyrus, Barry ( I have just seen his kind response with Baz as nickname, Barry was more gentle)... something is wrong; at that period we had not this kind of argue and all the people were free to share; lots of comments are censored; for exemple, I answered Scott this morning : "got it one hundred percent, Mr Khamnei" and my answer has not been published; I have sent a lot of letters to our president, Mr Sarkozy, to criticize him regarding his internal policy, I am not in jail and almost all my expectations were exhausted, for exemple when he wanted to put his son at the head of a very big compagnie; his son was 24 and without any diplome; my letters are without "salamaleyk " and I begin the letter with: "My dear president "; What I want to say is that people lose usually their head when they become famous, and little by little they become untolerent ! I can't accept to be censored ( I am sure that my answer here won't be published but at least, they will read it before deciding and it's more important ! they will see how we can lose all the supporters by imposing tough conditions and unfair restrictions ); fairness is my life and "justice" my obssession !
I really don't think this is the greatest system to adopt. As Angie says, the precipitous decline of commentary from a bunch of regulars correlates with the implementation of this klunky system. I really doubt that people commenting from Iran are going to have the time to create an account when writing speedily, or feel comfortable enough to submit their emails.
Bozorg, I do just want to point out that nobody's actually being prevented from commenting on the site. The options are: sign in with Disqus/ Twitter/ Yahoo/ OpenID, or comment without being signed in and wait for your comment to be approved.
This system, or something similar, is used by lots of blogs. It allows us to prevent hate/racism, trolling, defamation, people posing as multiple commenters, and commenters impersonating others (all things we've had to deal with on EA) before they appear on the site.
While we are talking about this new system (Disqus) - the old system placed all posts in a date sequential order. While this was clumsy in a way, because you had to "figure out" which posting a new posting was referring to, it did make things easy because if there was a new post added to a thread, it could be easily found. With the DISQUS system, I can see that a new post has been made to a thread, but I have difficulty finding it. I basically have to go through all the postings in the thread to find the new one. I am sure that at first it used to work that I could go straight to a new post by clicking on the time stamp shown in the sidebar under "recent comments.
Ange Paris
In Australia, people often shorten Christian names ending in RRY, by replacing those letters with Z. It is generally considered to be a sign of affection. Hence, because I am such a nice bloke, I am often called BAZ :)
In regards to some either disappearing from this site or reducing their posting frequency, it may also have to do with the situation as it is now in Iran. For me, there is at the moment nothing much to comment on. We seem to have reached a sort of "stalemate" - there are those who support the Regime and those who don't, those who support Israel and those who don't, etc. And no amount of argument, logical or otherwise will bring either sides over to a different way of thinking. As we say here (and maybe elsewhere) -" Don't confuse me with the facts - I have already made up my mind!! "
"This system, or something similar, is used by lots of blogs. It allows us to prevent hate/racism, trolling, defamation, people posing as multiple commenters, and commenters impersonating others (all things we've had to deal with on EA) before they appear on the site. "
One just floated in under your radar -- Gaza Flotilla Liveblog.
Thanks for flagging Dave, my mistake for clicking 'approve' on that one.