Gaza Latest: Is Egypt Going to Make a Stand Against Israel? (Yenidunya)

Egyptian official Mohammad Abdelwahab responded that the ship would not be halted.
The immediate explanation? Egyptian authorities do want to carry the main responsibility for halting aid to Gaza, especially following the passage of 12 United Stateswarships and at least one Israeli ship from the Suez Canal towards the Red Sea on last Friday.
Gaza Latest: Israel Warns Iranian & Lebanese Flotillas; UN Calls for Lifting of Blockade
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday accused Israel of trying to make Egypt carry the blame for the situation in Gaza. He said: "We reject attempts by Israel, the occupying force, to free itself of responsibility towards the strip and place it on Egypt."
There may be another reason for Cairo to give such a direct response to West Jerusalem. Last week, Hamas said that it would only accept the Egyptian initiative for Palestinian reconciliatoin if Cairo agreed to some changes. Egypt may be reading that statement not as defiance but as willingness of Hamas willing to negotiate over its relations with the rival party Fath.
There is a bigger question, however. Egypt's current manoeuvres follow years of acceptance of, even cooperation with, Israel's unwillingness to improve the situation of Gazans by lifting the economic siege. After all, it was not only Israeli crossings that were closed or restricted; there is also Egypt's border with Gaza at Rafah.
Is Mubarak really going to say now, "We are exerting all efforts to lift the Israeli blockade on Gaza"?
Hosni Mubarak,
Palestine in
Middle East & Iran