Iran Document: The Mousavi-Karroubi Meeting (23 June)

In today’s joint meeting Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi emphasized on the following issues:
Emphasize the respect for Marja (Grand Ayatollahs) and their high stature in Shi’a:Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi pointed out the history of Shi’a [religion] since Imam Mahdi’s (Shi’a's hidden Imam) absence and the establishment of the religious scholars. They considered Marja as one of the most important foundations of the society; Shi’as have respected this for centuries and have never allowed and will not allow any person or group to insult the stature of Marja.
They emphasized that no government or authority can remove the love of these guardians of the religion from the hearts of the believers by relying on a group of thugs, and therefore they condemned the premeditated unprecedented insult and offence of a group sponsored by the government and their illegal entering to the house of Grand Ayatollah Sane'i and destroying the properties in his office as well as the house of late Grand Ayatollah Montazeri.
They also considered repeated insults made by a group of newspapers affiliated with the authorities against the great Marajeh of Shi’a and their attempts to destroy and weaken the stature of Marja as the basis for these events. After the attack on the houses of Marajeh and insult against the grandson of Imam Khomeini (founder of the Islamic Republic), the judiciary, instead of prosecuting the attackers, shut down the office of late Grand Ayatollah Montazeri. This offered harmony between these foot soldiers (thugs) and some of the authorities for attacking the stature of Marajeh.
Weakening the stature of the Parliament is cause for concern and sorrow: Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi expressed their sorrow and concern for the weakening of the legislative branch [by the Government], which started by making an excuse out of the bequeathing of Azad University to charity. They emphasized that, according to the Constitution, the legislative branch acts via the Parliament and this Parliament approves laws for all public affairs as asserted by the Constitution.
However, some don’t even respect the stature of this Parliament. The criteria of who can elect and who can be elected have not been followed (because of the role of the Guardian Council, whose members are openly supporters of this Government and appointed by the Supreme Leader, which decides and pre-approves who can go on the ballot and oversees the elections).
Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi pointed out the government’s denying the people’s legal and legitimate request to hold a silent demonstration, while an organized group, in complete security, attacks whoever and wherever they want. Karroubi and Mousavi emphasised that it is necessary that everyone stands against these kinds of actions that diminish the stature of the legislative branch and the ability of the members of the Parliamentand that they don’t allow those fleeing from the law to achieve their illegitimate goals with these kinds of methods.
They also emphasized that, if using goons and aggressors becomes the inauspicious norm, there will be no dignity for any person or entity....Today, not only the people and those objecting to the fraud in the election are under attack by these shameful behaviours, but also the family of Imam Khomeini and the respected Marja of Shi’a. Even the Parliament are not immune.
The inconsiderate remarks by the administration and its costs for our national interest: Mousavi and Karroubi parties not only considered these remarks in conflict with rich and ancient culture of Islamic Iran but also recognized them as causes for moral and material damages to the country in the international arena, endangering national interests. Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi karroubi...expressed hope that in today’s special situation the authorities, instead of creating tensions, act to resolve the country’s important economic, social, and international problems by using capabilities in different fields.
Condemning recent arrests: The current security trend and recent arrests, especially the arrests of a number of outstanding and elite students of the country. were discussed, and both men pointed to the chaotic situation of the detention centres and prisons which have imposed hard conditions on country’s political prisoners. They called this trend a contradiction to the country’s rules and regulations.
Mousavi and Karroubi also called on judicial authorities to take action in accordance with the inherent duties of that branch to be a defender of the individual and social rights, to be responsible for establishing justice, to move toward restoring public rights and promoting justice and legitimate freedoms, to act accordingly. By hearing the words of the political prisoners, the judiciary should lay grounds for their unconditional release.
Efforts for promoting awareness about the fundamental rights and freedoms, especially among various unions and groups: At the end of this joint meeting, both men once again emphasized othe rightful demands of the Green Movement and the role of promoting awareness and knowledge in the society about the assured rights and fundamental freedoms of all classes of the society.They called on all groups, especially unions, to make efforts to raise awareness among the various layers of the society about their rightful and legitimate demands.
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[...] von Mehdi Karroubi und Hossein Mousavi 23. Juni 2010 — Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken Via Enduringamerica Veröffentlicht in Hintergrund, News. Kommentar schreiben [...]