Iran's Revolutionary Guard & the US: Oil Spills Are Thicker than Hostility?

EA is proud to present the script of the next Tom Hanks extravaganza (suggestions of title welcome). From Press TV:
A commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) offers the help of experts from Khatam al-Anbiya[the engineering firm connected to the IRGC] headquarters to contain the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Brig. Gen. Rostam Qasemi said the failure of US officials to curb the leak had increased concerns about the possibility of an environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
“It is a cause for shame that the US and UK … are still unable to contain the oil spill two months has passed since the oil rig was destroyed.”
Qasemi went on to say that if the US and UK believe they are unable to contain the spill, “they can formally ask Iran for assistance” and Tehran will “send experts from Khatam al-Anbiya headquarters to help end the major crisis and an environmental disaster.”
"Iranian experience in managing oil leaks in certain Persian Gulf littoral states such as Kuwait is a proof of their capability."
Khatam al-Anbiya is among the 15 Iranian companies which were targeted in the latest round of UN Security Council sanctions imposed against Tehran on June 9.
Despite the recent sanctions, the IRGC is ready to fulfill its humanitarian mission by sending its forces to the Gulf of Mexico, Qasemi added.

Reader Comments (8)
Who do we have to send a petition to so that "Tehran" may mobilize the heroes of Khatam al-Anbiya base to Naft Shahr in West Gilan province. I wonder if Sardar Qasemi is aware of the catastrophic Oil rig explosion on 7th of Khordad (3 weeks ago) which has meanwhile set the ancient West Gilan subtropical forests a blaze.
Dear Sardar Qasemi, would you & your mighty Pasdaran please make a quick stop in West Gilan before you set sails westwards?
I think it is cause for shame that the IRI has waited two months to make mention of and try to use this disaster for their propaganda purposes. What on
earth has been taking their attention away from such an obvious move during the last two months? :-)
Catherine, do you really expect more from the Islamic Republic?
actutally they had proposed help on 3th of may abouth 2month ago.So if you don't know don't say anything plesase.
@ Babak - Yes, I do. And Zoro0mj's information shows why. (If your reply to me was meant seriously, please notice the ;-) after my comment from yesterday)
@ Zoro0mj - I'm relieved to know that the IRI did actually try to make propagandistic use of this incident early on. Not to do so would have been terribly uncharacteristic! As to not talking about information which one doesn't have, maybe you could help us all out by posting the info you have when you have it. Then, if no one pays attention, you can certainly complain about that! :-)
Not only is the oil disaster bad for all of us on sooo many levels, but it is mysterious as well. The bizarre response by President Obama, BP, Congress, the newscasters, all makes me think that the FIX is in. If I had to vouchsafe a specific conspiracy theory, I couldn't, but events of the past decade or two have shown me this: when something catastrophic happens, be it 9/11, or this, there are those who can turn events to their advantage: the super-rich. Their power and influence opens doors closed to ordinary millionaires and governments. They have the juice to land on their feet, more rich and powerful than ever before, after each calamity. The trend is to strip assets from the common man, and redeposit those assets in the accounts of the Evil Ones. Forget about that bass boat you wanted, or you kid's college education, or the latitude to lose your job and know that something else is out there for a hard-working soul like you. WE THE PEOPLE are being boxed in on purpose, all to the service of some evil goal.
BP has a long history of screwing up the countries where it operates and Iran is no exception, as some of you may know. So, despite the different nature of the damage inflicted by BP on Iran and the US Gulf Coast, Iranians might remember the company's dark history in their country and sympathise with the plight of Americans affected by the current oil spill.
BP: 100 Years of Moral Failure
By Saeed Rahnema Professor of political science, York University
http://www.themarknews.com/articles/1736-bp-100-years-of-moral-failure" rel="nofollow">http://www.themarknews.com/articles/1736-bp-100...
I just sent this post to a bunch of my friends as I agree with most of what you’re saying here and the way you’ve presented it is awesome. emtxim emtxim - red bottom.