The Latest from Iran (2 June): Where's My Crowd?

The website did not identify the prisoners. It said the pardons were made on the occasion of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad's daughter, Fatemeh.
NEW Iran Document: Mousavi “Imam Khomeini, Revolution, and the Green Movement” (2 June)
NEW Latest Iran Video: Ahmadinejad in Ilam “Where’s My Crowd?”
The Latest from Iran (1 June): Latest on Emad Baghi
1615 GMT: Requesting the March. The Facebook page supporting Mir Hossein Mousavi reports that, complementing the request of Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, eight reformist parties and organizations asked for permission to hold a rally on 12 June (22 Khordaad), the anniversary of the Presidential election.
The eight groups (Assembly of Former Members of the Parliament, Mojahedin of Islamic Revolution Organization, Islamic Association of Medical Society of Iran, Association of Women Journalists, ssembly of Alumni of Islamic Iran, Islamic Iran Participation Front, National Will Party, and Assembly of Followers of Imam) asked for a rally moving from Imam Hossein Square to Azadi Square in Tehran at 4 p.m. (1230 GMT).
The authorities in the office of the Governor of Tehran Province refused to accept the letter, saying that they can only give permits for rallies that are held in closed spaces. The Ministry of the Interior has also received a copy of the request.
1340 GMT: We have posted the translation of Mir Hossein Mousavi's statement today on Ayatollah Khomeini, Revolution, and the Green Movement.
1230 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. An Iranian activist reports that Mehdi Boutorabi, founder of Persian Blog, and teachers Mahmoud Beheshti Langeroudi & Alireza Hashemi have been released on bail.
0945 GMT: Most Wanted. The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran has issued a 36-page report "naming 15 leading officials responsible for carrying out the brutal repression against peaceful protestors and civil society activists".
0825 GMT: Political Prisoner Follow-Up. Yesterday an EA correspondent updated us on prison conditions and the health of detained journalist Emaduddin Baghi, who recently met his family after five months in solitary confinement.
Another EA correspondent adds that Baghi and Amir Aboutalebi, an aide to Mir Hossein Mousavi's advisor Alireza Beheshti, are in the same cell. They have been told that, if they want to be released, they should write a letter of apology to the Supreme leader.
0815 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. Zahra Shams, a law student at Mashhad's Ferdowsi University, has been released after almost a month in detention.
0800 GMT: Un-Free Press Update (with a Bit of Football).The sports daily "Goal" has been banned, with another 10 newspapers and 3 magazines warned. (The threatened publications are the newspapers Vatan-e Emrooz, Farhikhtegan, Mardomsalari, Aftab-e Yazd, Jahan-e Eghtesad, Arman-e Ravabet-e Omoumi, Jomhouri Eslami, Jahan-e San'at, Karoon, and Alborz-e Varzeshi and the magazines Behdasht-e Ravan va Jame'e, Rah, and Honar-e Musighi.)
An EA correspondent notes a significant number of journalists from Vatan-e Emrooz and Farhikhtegan have been imprisoned, with others from Jomhouri Eslami and Jahan-e Eghtesad detained.
0745 GMT: Iran Propaganda Special. Fereshteh Ghazi reports on rifts within the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, which is broadcasting a series of "portraits" of political figures from 17 to 26 Khordad (7-16 June). Ghazi claims the series was actually put together by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, and IRIB only does only the editing.
The distortion of the views of Iranian reformist Fatemeh Haghighatjoo, which we have noted in recent days, is apparently only the first installment of this propaganda extravaganza.
0620 GMT: After an evening talking to the Security Studies Group at Oxford University about the Obama Administration's foreign policy, it is back to the Iran front this morning....
Ahmadinejad: "Where's My Crowd?"
We have posted the video of the far-from-significant crowd that attended the President's speech in Ilam Province on Tuesday.
Remembering Kianoush Asa
A far different video from Tehran's Elm-o-Sanat University, where about 400 students remembered their classmate Kianoush Asa, reportedly killed during the 15 June demonstration protesting the outcome of the Presidential election.
HomyLafayette has a close-up report and more videos.
Political Prisoner Watch
The prison sentence of Ph.D. student Mahmoud Alizadeh Tabatabai has been reduced to one year on appeal. Tabatabai was originally given a two-year term.
AAssembly of Former Members of the Parliament,
Alireza Hashemi,
Amir Aboutalebi,
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,
Elm-o-Sanat University,
Emaduddin Baghi,
Fatemeh Haghighatjoo,
Fereshteh Ghazi,
International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran,
Iran Elections 2009,
Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting,
Jahan-e Eghtesad,
Jomhouri Eslami,
Kianoush Asa,
Mahmoud Ahmadineajd,
Mahmoud Beheshti Langeroudi,
Mehdi Boutorabi,
Mehdi Karroubi,
Mir Hossein Mousavi,
Persian Blog,
Rooz Online,
The Assembly of Alumni of Islamic Iran,
The Association of Women Journalists,
The Islamic Association of Medical Society of Iran,
The Islamic Iran Participation Front,
The Mojahedin of Islamic Revolution Organization,
The National Will Party and The Assembly of Followers of Imam.,
Zahra Shams in
Middle East & Iran

Reader Comments (27)
[...] Click here to view the embedded video. [...]
Iraq's Supreme Court ratifies election results :" rel="nofollow">
Very good !
Iraq's north says villagers flee Iranian shelling;_ylt=AgANi4afIkEd7mqWB.tF1Qb5SpZ4" rel="nofollow">
Iran wants Netanyahu to face trial for Gaza raid" rel="nofollow">
[...] The Latest from Iran (2 June): Where’s My Crowd? [...]
@ 0815 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch
At least one good news for the press: Journalist Mohammad Sadegh Javadi-Hesar was released after 5 months of detention in Mashhad." rel="nofollow">
Brazil will oppose, but respect, Iran sanctions" rel="nofollow">
Yesterday in europeen parlement Mottaki said :
"There is two solutions : either 5+1 accept the "Tehran, Turkey, Brazil" agreement, or we will confront" .
He added " Iran dosen't want to leave uranium enrichment up to 20%, It's its right ."
and justified that " his country needs military defense weapons because they were attacked by Irak and threathened several times by USA." rel="nofollow">
Pictures and video of Mottaki's greeting in Bruxelles :" rel="nofollow">
Demonstration in Lyon, France in 12 of June :
Manifestation à Lyon
Premier Anniversaire du Soulèvement POPULAIRE en IRAN
Samedi 12 Juin 2010 – 15h
Place des Terreaux" rel="nofollow">
The same subject, in good english !!" rel="nofollow">
Too funny ! here you are some pictures of women bus drivers ; on one of them, you can see the panicked faces of "machos" iranian men looking at her !! Viva iranian women :
Photos: Women Bus Drivers in Tehran :" rel="nofollow">
What`s happening with raffers, he`s awefully quiet, arrest warrant out for his son, attack on his daughters office, when will the shark bite?
I sent this morning a message to thank the europeen deputy, Mr STEVENSON Struan; he's so nice, this is his answer :
Dear Ange,
> Thank you for your email regarding the visit of Manouchehr
> Mottaki to the European Parliament. I very much appreciate your support
> and I can assure you that I will continue to oppose this abhorrent
> regime.
> I am fully committed to the principles of freedom and democracy and I am
> disgusted by the fascist oppression that is evident in Iran. We can no
> longer tolerate the executions and blatant human rights abuses
> perpetrated by the Iranian leadership.
> Thank you again for your kind words and support.
> Best wishes,
From the Facebook page linked to Mousavi: "Following the formal letter of request by Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi addressed to the Governor of Tehran for permit to hold rally on the anniversary of the tenth disputed presidential election (June 12th), eight reformist parties and organizations in a separate letter of request asked for permit to hold rally on the anniversary of the presidential election. (...) A copy of this letter was sent to the Governor of Tehran but the authorities in the office of the governor refused to accept the letter saying that they can only give permits for rallies that are held in close spaces and this is out of their jurisdiction but the Interior Ministry has received a copy of this letter."" rel="nofollow">!/notes/...
Have you seen this video? Metro in Tehran." rel="nofollow">
Payvand: Two more journalists arrested in Iran last night" rel="nofollow">
Moderate Iranian cleric Rafsanjani urges action against system's "deviations" :" rel="nofollow">
Who Will Be Iran's Next President?
By Golnaz Esfandiari, RFE/RL
The Iranian government and the opposition are each getting ready for the first anniversary of the country's disputed presidential vote. Yet there's already talk about the presidential election that should take place in three years -- and some names are floating around as possible future candidates. Meanwhile, a question that has been raised in recent weeks is whether there will even be a 2013 presidential election." rel="nofollow">
there has been speculation that Ahmadinejad's chief of staff, Esfandiari Rahim Mashaei, might be a future presidential candidate. !!!!
Iranian Teacher Activist Says Beaten In Prison" rel="nofollow">
Thank you for posting Mr Stevenson's answer. I received a similarly nice reply too. Meanwhile I asked him to demand his colleagues to take action against these officials:" rel="nofollow">
We should speak out on behalf of those, who languish in this regime's dungeons.
Mohsen Sazegara said today that French daily Le Monde refused to publish Mottaki's statement because of it completely ideological content, though it does publish even opinons of North Korean officials. Obviously this regime is loosing ground throughout the world and gets more an more isolated.
In this case we would have to replace "jigar" (liver, i.e. tootsie) by "holou" (peach ;-)
Isn't odd how the world's worst dictators are often first in line to condem someone else?
Way to go getting this message through. Keep up the good work! I especially like the term from Mr. Stevenson "abhorrent regime!" He definitely nailed it with that description of the regime.
Come on we all know that guy with the wide eyes just realized his wife was moonlighting as a bus driver without his knowledge!!! HA HA :)