Gaza Flotilla Video: One Hour of Raw Footage from Mavi Marmara (Lee)

Filmmaker Iara Lee of Cultures of Resistance was a passenger on the Mavi Marmara, the lead ship of the Gaza Flotilla that was attacked by Israeli forces 12 days ago. Her cameras were confiscated by the commandos; however, she was able to hide an hour of raw footage:
Gaza Aftermath: Israel and the “We Con the World” Video (Why I’m Not Laughing)
Gaza Latest: What Will Be Done About the Blockade? (Not Much. Care for an Israeli Snack Food?)
Reader Comments (8)
So we see the shots fired before the boarding were paintball rounds.
whooppee doo!!! what is this supposed to prove? Scott, do you really fall for all this pro Palestinian propaganda?
Taking at face value the concept of ' pro-Palestinian' propaganda, would you care to give us your views on the preponderance of pro-israeli propaganda and whether or not you have fallen for any of it?
Yonatan and D Rob,
I agree. This video just shows footage of a propagandistic attack launched by belligerents. It was an act of war. The whole humanitarian aspect of this is bunk
Blockades in the region are only legitimate when they are executed by the Turks and the Arabs. The Turks can block the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, which they have done many times in the past, and the Arabs can carry out blockades as well - like when they blocked the Gulf of Aqaba after the '48 war - a clear violation of the armistice agreement and an act of war against Israel, cutting off a major port. No European or American flotilla was sent to break that blockade.
Personally I don’t care if the ship was carrying rainbows and unicorns. The terrorists on board were determined to start a fight and so they did. Unfortunately for them the Israeli’s ended it. With all the hubbub about the Israeli blockade why has there been virtually no mention of the Egyptian blockade.
At 16'50 of this video it is said "...they are ready to fight..." so they did. Unfortunately, Isrealis did it too.
"Unfortunately for them the Israeli’s ended it."
The Israeli's have always "ended it" since they were first attacked in 1948. But over the last few years they have gotten a bit soft and listened too much to vociferous left wing Socialists (both their own and foreign ones). It is time for them to harden up again - and act as they did in 1948 and 1967.
Strike first and hard!
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