The Latest from Iran: Demonstrations and An Appeal to the Guardian Council (15 June)

I just came off-air from an interview with the BBC World Service and thought I would share the following:
0907 GMT: News comes via
BreakingNews on Twitter, picking up on Iranian state media, that "IRANIAN SUPREME LEADER ORDERS INVESTIGATION INTO ALLEGATIONS OF ELECTION FRAUD". Later "tweets" relay Iranian state media that Ayatollah Khameni met with Presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi before making the announcement.
0923 GMT:
Enduring America posts update on Khamenei's meeting with Mousavi and the order for the enquiry.
0930 GMT: I tell the BBC World Service producer of Khamenei's order. He is unaware of the development.
0934 GMT: The BBC World Service, drawing from Associated Press Online, announces --- in the middle of an interview with Dr Ali Ansari on the Iranian internal situation --- that Ayatollah Khamenei has ordered an investigation of electoral fraud.
0937 GMT: I go on-air to talk about the US response to developments in Iran.