Gaza Latest: Amalthia to Break the Siege?, Ireland's "Revenge", Mavi Marmara Becomes a Hotel?

The ship is still in high waters and Israeli defense officials stated that they were tracking the vessel and would make contact with the ship and request that it follow naval vessels either into Ashdod Port or into Egypt's port of El-Arish. A government official said: “This exercise is both a superfluous and unnecessary gesture.”
Ireland's "Revenge"?: It is reported that Ireland is trying to block a European Union initiative that would enable Israeli companies and European companies to exchange information about customers. The European Commission wanted European governments to approve a declaration that the EU recognises Israeli data protection standards as being sufficient to allow member states to transfer personal data.
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However, Ireland's Justice Minister Dermott Ahern said that since Israel allegedly used forged Irish passports to carry out the assassination of Hamas official Mohammed al-Mabhouh in Dubai, Israel should not be allowed access to this data.
Although Israel denied any link with the Dubai assassination, Ireland expelled one Israeli official from Dublin.
Mavi Marmara Waiting Its Fate: Israeli city Haifa's Mayor Yona Yahav wrote a letter to the Defense Minister Ehud Barak requesting that the Mavi Marmara ship be turned into a floating hotel off the coast of Haifa. Yahav wrote: "I feel that Haifa, a symbol of coexistence and cooperation between all religions, would be the appropriate home for this ship, which will turn into an international symbol of reconciliation and hope."