Video and Transcript: Obama's Engagement with China (27 July)

The headlines may be on the crises and difficulties of engagement from Iran to the Middle East to North Korea, but the Obama Administration is pressing ahead, as an equal or greater priority, with engagement with India and China. Hillary Clinton's visit to Delhi last week and her co-written editorial with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in The Wall Street Journal, "A New Strategic and Economic Dialogue with China", was followed by President Obama's address on Monday to the first US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue:
President Obama's remarks at the U.S./China Strategice and Economic Dialogue, July 27, 2009
President Obama Attends the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue from White House on Vimeo.
President Obama's remarks at the U.S./China Strategice and Economic Dialogue, July 27, 2009