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Entries in Fareed Zakaria (1)


Another View from Iran: Seyed Mohammad Marandi on CNN (26 July)

The Latest from Iran (27 July): A President Dangling in the Wind?

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UPDATE 0930 GMT: This video, now available on several Internet sites, is causing quite a fuss. There have been heated comments, with some criticism of Zakaria as well as Marandi, on a YouTube version. An Iranian website is featuring the "crushing" of the "pro-Government" Marandi.

Dr Seyed Mohammad Marandi of the University of Tehran was interviewed on CNN on Sunday about the post-election situation in Iran. Asked by Fareed Zakaria about the Government's "brutal methods" to "maintain control", turning it into "a military dictatorship", Marandi replied, "Since Mr Mousavi's people went to the streets day after day, it was causing trouble in Tehran so the police really felt they had to bring things back to normal," while President Ahmadinejad acted provocatively in his speech immediately after the election. He predicted that, despite the violence and detentions, the situation would soon "return to normal".