Israel: Defense Minister Barak "Palestine Peace Bigger Issue Than Iran's Bomb"

I am proud to be a member of a government that has taken upon itself the responsibility of addressing issues pertaining to the Road Map.
We regard the settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria as part of Israel in relation to any final status agreement.
We have a paramount interest in establishing defined borders between ourselves and the Palestinians, that will set the stage for two states for two peoples.Gaza: Israel Rejects Another High-Level Visit
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It must be understood that if between the Jordan [River] and the [Mediterranean Sea] there is only one political entity called 'Israel', it will by necessity either be not Jewish or not democratic, and we will turn into an apartheid state.
Following his comments on Palestine, Barak targeted the Lebanese government:
We are not looking for a deterioration of the situation in Lebanon, but if there is such an unraveling, our target will not be some Hizbullah terrorist somewhere in southern Lebanon. Our target will be the Lebanese government and its infrastructure, whatever that may include.
Only then did Barak turn to Iran came out of his lips. He called on the international community to put sanctions on Tehran and warned of a future nuclear arms race in the Middle East and beyond:
Iran is only engaging in dialogue in order to buy itself some time. The setting of a brief and clear timetable for imposing of sanctions on Iran is vital, and uranium enrichment on Iranian soil cannot be legitimized, since this will lead to an Iranian military nuclear capability.
A nuclear Iran will lead to an unrestrained arms race and every Third World dictator will know that his country can go nuclear if it tries.