Iran Analysis: Reality Check (Yep, We Checked, Government Still in Trouble)

OK, we've checked again. Government still in trouble.
We have tracked tensions within the regime since June, so criticism "from within" of the Government is not new. What is distinctive now, after the blocked attempt at "national unity" before Ashura (27 December) and the demonstrations and confrontation on it, is the sustained campaign against President Ahmadinejad and his closest allies.
Ayande News, which has devoted the last few day to Government-bashing, goes so far as to declare that Ahmadinejad and his Ministers have missed a "golden opportunity" before the Revolution's anniversary on 22 Bahman (11 February) to resolve the crisis. Not just a opportunity, in fact, but a series of opportunities: the article is a history lesson on Government mistakes since12 June and through the demonstrations of 13 June, 15 June, 18 Tir (9 July), 17 July, Qods Day in September, 13 Aban (4 November), and 16 Azar (7 December) to the present.
Meanwhile, the specific campaign against the President's Chief of Staff, Esfandiar Rahim-Mashai. Ayande claims that, in a meeting in Mashhad, Ahmadinejad said that Rahim-Mashai is a “relative of God”.
Just as striking, in the face of the more-than-insignificant criticism, is the Government's haphazard response to these developments. We noted yesterday, with the help of Edward Yeranian, how the "mohareb" (war against God) trials seemed to be a rather scrambled attempt --- with far less coordination as a public campaign --- to blacken the opposition, and its supposed foreign backing, out of existence. Today, after the hearings of the supposed mohareb, there is no sustained regime follow-up. Look instead for more hastily-arranged trials to do something --- anything --- to keep the campaign ticking over against the Green movement as a "terrorist" front.
That campaign will be both assisted and exposed by event. Yesterday, a prosecutor in northwestern Iran was assassinated by two unidentified gunmen. What matters at the moment may not be who did it, but the simple fact that no one knows. Already the Iranian state media are drawing links to last week's assassination of the physicist Massoud Ali-Mohammadi, and the overall impression is that another layer of instability has been placed on the political situation.
And that (so far) is your reality check for today.
Oh, except for this. It is three weeks to 22 Bahman (11 February).
Reader Comments (6)
Thank you for checking the mother of all realities.
complementing this analysis: sacraficing AM
A deal among IR gang members is very worrisome. If they kiss and make up Iranian people stand to lose much too much. I kind of suspected Mousavi’s #17 statement, in which he accepted the principles of Valyet-e- Fagheh and Khamenei as SL was a retreat. I thought that was Mousavi’s goodbye to Green Movement, a Movement that had left him behind in the dust a long time ago. I believed calling out Mousavi’s name during every protest was not for Mousavi but rather a battle cry for crushing a system that had cheated them and their candidate.
Let this be understood: 1. Khamenei is a man 2. Believing in Velyet-e-Faghi is idol worship. 3. Free will dictates that there be no intercession between man and the universe. 4. Iran will no longer worship idols; She will be free.
Think Megan makes a good point. It has seemed for a time Mousavi and others have been moving towards reconciliation versus continued defiance. Based on analyses i have seen over the months I am not sure that is surprisin plus the fact he has made it clear of the intents to work within the system.
The continue cries of Mousavi's name may simply be a continuation of a uniting battle cry versus considering that most still look to Mousavi as their "savior" so to speak. this can be supported by the continue organization of protestors despite his call for them to take to the streets.
And thanks Scott for setting the record straight..even though not sure it really needed to be!