Iran: The Ali-Mohammadi Case "A Political Assassination"

From Rooz Online:
Rooz: Mr. Shirzad, you knew Dr. Masoud Ali-Mohammadi well. If you were to describe him in a few sentences, what would you say?
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Shirzad: He was extremely serious in his work. He was a hard worker. He published a total of 58 scientific articles in his field, which is an outstanding record and rare in Iran. He was also a successful teacher. His students have great memories of him and ee was very popular at Tehran University because of his good relations with the students. He was very successful in attracting students. Overall, he was an extremely active intellectual.
Rooz: He had signed several political statements. Do you know much about this aspect of his personality?
Shirzad: He certainly signed statements that were circulating among the Tehran University professors. In some cases even he collected signatures. For example, he was among the first to sign an open letter condemning the attack on university dormitories in June. Other colleagues signed it later. He was also among the main signers of other letters released in support of Mr. Mir-Hossein Mousavi.
Rooz: Given your familiarity with the late Ali-Mohammadi, what was your reaction when you saw reports by pro-government media outlets that an “Iranian nuclear physicist was assassinated”?
Shirzad: In regards to the official propaganda I have to say it was very surprising. Not much can be said about the official propaganda. It seems to be based on opinions only. A professional investigation has not been conducted on his murder, which can be called a political assassination.
Rooz: Pro-government websites announced soon after the assassination that it was the work of America and Israel. Is that also an opinion in your view?
Shirzad: Yes. Naturally if they want to connect the assassination to a source they must have documents and evidence. It seems that the profession of teaching physics must from now on be added to the list of dangerous occupations.
Rooz: You too have studied physics and have also signed similar statements.
Shirzad: That seems to be the case.
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