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Entries in US Elections 2012 (1)


Update: The Sarah Palin in 2012 Dream/Nightmare

Enduring America may have the best Alaska Bureau in the world. They have already followed up on last night's Palin in 2012? story:

Former GOP Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has taken a first step toward building a grass-roots constituency and nationwide political network by establishing a PAC,, whose homepage reads:

"Dedicated to building America's future, supporting fresh ideas and candidates who share our vision for reform and innovation.

SarahPAC believes America's best days are ahead. Our country, founded on conservative principles and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity, innovation, and determination.

SarahPAC believes energy independence is a cornerstone of the economic security and progress that every American family wants and deserves.

SarahPAC believes the Republican Party is at the threshold of an historic renaissance that will build a better future for all. Health care, education, and reform of government are among our key goals. Join us today!"

Carrying the standard disclaimer, “Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee”, SarahPAC FAQ notes that the organization’s purpose is to support “Gov. Sarah Palin's plans to build a better, stronger, and safer America in the 21st century.”

The Alaska Bureau has noticed that the first “Sarah in 2012” appeared the day after the inauguration last week, and it seems that Governor Palin is already looking to the future.

No word yet, though, on a marriage date for Levi and Bristol.