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Entries in Richard Immerman (1)


The CIA and US Foreign Policy: Special Conference

Our partners at the Clinton Institute for American Studies, University College Dublin, have asked up to pass around the word about a special two-day conference on 20–21 February 2009 on "The CIA and US Foreign Policy: Reforms, Representations, and New Approaches to Intelligence."

Plenary speakers include:

PROFESSOR RICHARD H. IMMERMAN (Professor and Edward J. Buthusiem Family Distinguished Faculty Fellow in History at Temple University, former-Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Analytical Integrity and Standards and Analytic Ombudsman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence)

PROFESSOR RICHARD J. ALDRICH (Professor of International Security at the University of Warwick and the author of several books on intelligence and security communities, including The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence)

This conference will consider the historical and contemporary role of the Central Intelligence Agency in the formulation and implementation of American foreign relations. We invite papers and panels that address any aspect of the relationship between the CIA and US foreign policy from the creation of the Agency in 1947 up to the present day. There will be a particular, although by no means exclusive, attention to issues of Agency reform, representation and interaction, as well as new approaches to intelligence.

For further information, visit:

Please send single paper and panel proposals in an email to with the following information:

1) Name, contact details and academic affiliation
2) Paper title
3) 200-300 word abstract
4) Brief CV or biographical statement

For queries or further information contact:

Dr. Kaeten Mistry:
Clinton Institute for American Studies
Belfield House
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
+ 353 1 716 1592