Follow-Up: That State Department Twitter-Diplomacy....Gives the Game Away?

After our "full and frank" discussion earlier this week over the US State Department's emergence on Twitter, American officials have made their first foray back into the cyber-woods.
Assistant Secretary of State Colleen Graffy is asking, "Did You Know [that] State Dept has a Senior Advisor on Muslim Engagement?" while State's bloggers are putting out the line, "Cease-Fire in Gaza Must Be Durable, Sustainable."
The twist comes when you read that blog, which is a re-print of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's speech to the UN Security Council last night without any further exposition or explanation. And, following up on our interpretation that Rice's statement is much more than a call for a "durable, sustainable cease-fire" --- "US Seeks Regime Change in Gaza" --- the killer phrase is still there:
....a principled resolution of the political challenges in Gaza that reestablishes ultimately the Palestinian Authority’s legitimate control....
There is a comment box available for those wishing to take up this small matter.
Assistant Secretary of State Colleen Graffy is asking, "Did You Know [that] State Dept has a Senior Advisor on Muslim Engagement?" while State's bloggers are putting out the line, "Cease-Fire in Gaza Must Be Durable, Sustainable."
The twist comes when you read that blog, which is a re-print of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's speech to the UN Security Council last night without any further exposition or explanation. And, following up on our interpretation that Rice's statement is much more than a call for a "durable, sustainable cease-fire" --- "US Seeks Regime Change in Gaza" --- the killer phrase is still there:
....a principled resolution of the political challenges in Gaza that reestablishes ultimately the Palestinian Authority’s legitimate control....
There is a comment box available for those wishing to take up this small matter.