Bahrain Document: A List of 56 People Killed Since 14 February 2011

Ali Alsheikh (killed Sept 2011) & Sayed Hashim (killed Dec 2011)Activist Mohammed Ashoor gives the names and claimed cause of death of 56 people slain since the start of the uprising in Bahrain on 14 February 2011. The list does not appear to include five policemen who have died in the violence:
1- Martyr Ali Mushaima - 14 February 2011 - Killed by birdshot in Al Daih
2- Martyr Fadhil Salman Al Matrook - 15 February 2011 - Killed by birdshot during the funeral of martyr Ali Mushaima
3- Martyr Ali Mansoor Khudair - 17 February 2011 - Killed by birdshot during the first Lulu attack [the assault by security forces on Pearl Roundabout, the symbolic centre of the protests]
4- Martyr Mahmood Abu Taki - 17 February 2011 - Killed by birdshot during the first Lulu attack
5- Martyr Ali Mo'men - 17 February 2011 - Killed near Lulu and left to die on the street
near Al Gufool traffic lights
6- Martyr Isa Abdul Hussain - 17 February 2011 - Killed by splitting his head open near SMC [Salmaniya Medical Centre]