Egypt, Syria, Bahrain (and Beyond) Live Coverage: A Triple Feature of Protest

Daily News Egypt reports on Friday's protests
See also Syria Feature: Can the Opposition Get Its Act Together? br>
Thursday's Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: The Regime Strikes Back
2034 GMT: At least 4 people have been killed by police in Egypt, according to Al Jazeera:
At least two people have been shot and killed in the Egyptian city of Suez, as police used live rounds to hold back crowds during a protest over security forces' failure to prevent a deadly football riot.
Two protesters were killed in Cairo just feet away from the Interior Ministry, as police in Cairo set off salvos of tear gas and fired birdshot, and one soldier was killed on Friday when a riot police truck backed into him.
Witnesses in Suez said fighting broke out at a local police station in the northeastern city in the early hours of Friday, hours after the two protesters were killed.