Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: The Shelling of Homs Continues

Another video of the shelling of the Bab Amro section of the Syrian city Homs this morning:
See also EA's Separate Bahrain Coverage, Bahrain Live Coverage Special: The Anniversary Protests br>
Syria Opinion: Who Are the Real Opposition? br>
Bahrain Special: "Responsible Reaction"--- How Police Will "Kettle" Today's Demonstrations br>
Monday's Bahrain, Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: "The Reasonable Reaction to Provocation"
2203 GMT: At this late hour there are unconfirmed reports that Al Bukamal, in northeastern Syria on the Iraq border, is under attack. According to one activist, Al Jazeera's Arabic network is also reporting the assault. The city is being defended by the Free Syrian Army, and clashes have been ongoing since earlier in the day, but the fresh reports suggest that they are now more intense.