Syria, Bahrain (and Beyond) LiveBlog: Assad "It Wasn't Me"

See also Western Journalists Inside Syria: A Video Record of Everyday Crimes
Bahrain, Uzbekistan (and Beyond) Special: Bell Pottinger, PR Agency for the Regimes, is Busted br>
Bahrain Feature: Today's Revival of Mass Protests br>
Wednesday's Syria (and Beyond) LiveBlog: Uncertainty and Deaths in Homs
2131 GMT: We close the LiveBlog with this report, just 22 minutes old:
"very huge EXPLOSION just hit the southern part of #Syria n central city of #Homs . . my windows were horribly shaking"
Looks like it will be another violent Friday in Syria...
2005 GMT: The new Egyptian interior minister has pledged not to use teargas or live ammo against protesters:
Major General Mohamed Ibrahim Yusuf, the former director of security in the Giza governorate, told the local Arabic newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm that he will not use the gas or any firearms on protesters.
Yusuf was selected by new Prime Minister Kamel al-Ganzouri, who was chosen by the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to form a new government after the previous one resigned as a result of the Tahrir Square violence.
We don't have the heart to tell Yusuf that the interior ministry has already made that pledge, and SCAF has denied attacking protesters.