Syria (and Beyond) LiveBlog: Mr Al-Dabi, Can You See the Violence Now?

A woman paints her message on a street in Deir Ez Zor in northeast Syria: "Down with Bashar"
See also Syria Special: Observing the Observers --- Evidence of The Abuses in Homs br>
Egypt Video: Alaa Abd-El Fattah Speaks Out After Release from Prison br>
Egypt Feature: "The One Citizen" --- Political Prisoner Maikel Nabil's Powerful Critique br>
Egypt Special: Are Writing and Walking Really Such a Threat to the Regime? br>
Wednesday's Syria (and Beyond) LiveBlog: Will Arab League Observers Make a Difference?
1815 GMT: Egypt. With reports that the march swelled to 1000 demonstrators, protesters on the Free Maikel Nabil are now rallying outside the Supreme Court. On twitter, Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi relays some of the chants:
Bring Maikal from the cell!' "Maikal Maikal you hero, your imprisonment sets the nation free.
O freedom where are you? Scaf is standing between us.
Continuing a strategy increasingly being seen in Egypt, activists are projecting footage of crimes and beatings committed by SCAF onto the Supreme Court walls: