Syria Live Coverage: "Assad Must Be Held Accountable for His Crimes"

Mass anti-regime protest in the Saqba area of Damascus on Friday
See also Syria 1st-Hand: The Bombings That Broke "Peaceful" Salamiyeh br>
Bahrain (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Protests and Clashes Continue br>
Friday's Syria Live Coverage: Insurgents Advance in South and East, Down Regime Jets
2100 GMT: Blackout. Electricity has been cut in the capital tonight --- the BBC's Lina Sinjab reports:
Black out in #Damascus power shut down almost all over the city. Was planning to read a book :-(
— Lina Sinjab (@BBCLinaSinjab) February 16, 2013
As ever social life in #Damascus is what keeps us going within minutes friends nearby gather on candle light and laugh despite darkness
— Lina Sinjab (@BBCLinaSinjab) February 16, 2013