Egypt (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Port Said Braces for Protests After Court Verdicts

Soldiers stand guard in front of the Security Directorate on Friday (Photo: Reuters)
See also Syria Live Coverage: Regime Shelling Prevents Release of 21 UN Peacekeepers
Saudi Arabia Feature: The Protests in the Central Cities
Friday's Egypt (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Policemen on Strike
1715 GMT: Egypt. Three people have now been killed in clashes in Cairo, following the verdicts handed down over the Port Said football deaths, is now three.
An eight-year-old child and a worker were found dead inside Omar Makram mosque near CTahrir Square. Both were killed by birdshot during fighting near Qasr El-Nil Bridge.
Ambulance personnel refused to transport the corpses to the morgue, leaving them at the mosque instead.
1625 GMT: Egypt. Back from a Saturday day to find that a protester has been killed by tear gas inhalation near Qasr El-Nil Bridge in Cairo.
Fadel Ahmed Abdel-Qader, 36, died after he was transferred to Qasr El-Eini Hospital suffering from breathing problems.