Bahrain, Syria (and Beyond) LiveBlog: Trying to Stem the Protests

A police jeep hits a man in Salmabad in Bahraini and keeps speeding away, the man clinging to the hood
See also Yemen Feature: Locals "We Have Bigger Problems Than Al Qa'eda" br>
Bahrain Feature: The 20 Doctors' Reply to Their Prison Sentences br>
Saturday's Syria, Bahrain, Yemen (and Beyond) LiveBlog: Months of Protests and Violence
1930 GMT: Five opposition political societies have announced a "human chain" in solidarity with detained medical staff and other political prisoners. The demonstration will begin at 4:30 p.m. local time on Tuesday.
1555 GMT: Medical workers have said that people injured in fighting in Libya's besieged city of Sirte are dying on the operating table because fuel for the hospital generator has run out.