The Latest from Iran (1 March): The Issue Is Legitimacy
See also Iran Snap Analysis: So Who is "Winning" These Elections? br>
The Latest from Iran (29 February): Playing the Numbers Game
Worker sweeps up campaign flyers, 25 February
1915 GMT: The "Engineers" in Syria. Seven Iranian engineers and technicians, abducted in Syria in December, have not been freed.
Last month, Iranian media reported that the men had been released, but Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister has said that they are still in the country, albeit in "perfect health".
The Free Syrian Army claims that five of the men are actually military snipers who were in Syria to assist President Assad's forces.
1845 GMT: Assurance of the Day. An Iranian official announces, “About 1,300 domestic and 350 foreign reporters working for 174 international media will provide coverage for the ninth election of the Majlis on Friday."
Which only leaves the question: how exactly will they be allowed to "provide coverage"?