EA Audio Feature: War in 2013 --- Scott Lucas with Monocle 24
Al Jazeera English's report from the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2 December
I spoke with Monocle 24's The Daily on Tuesday about the prospects of "War in 2013". We spoke about the likely locations --- Syria, of course, and also Mali --- and the wars already underway but escaping notice, such as the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Perhaps just as significantly, we talked about the change in how wars are fought, as the US pursues a strategy of "low-cost" intervention through drone attacks, supported by special forces and the attempted use of local armies. And there's a question: in the world of 2013, what place is there for an older institution such as NATO?
The discussion begins at the 1:04.15 mark.
Democratic Republic of Congo,
Monocle 24,
The Daily