Gaza Live Coverage: Israel Rejects Ceasefire and Maintains Assault

Tel Aviv bus struck by an explosion today
See also Gaza Audio Feature: Before the Ceasefire --- Scott Lucas with Monocle 24 br>
EA Video Analysis: The 4 Biggest Losers of the Gaza War...So Far br>
Why Netanyahu's Rejection of A Ceasefire is Bad News for the US" br>
Gaza Feature: The Names of Those Killed br>
Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Damascus Shakes as Assad Regime Wobbles br>
Monday's Gaza Live Coverage: Israel Chooses Air Assault Over Ground Invasion...For Now
2005 GMT: Chris McGreal of The Guardian reports the scene from Gaza City:
On a street running along the Gaza City waterfront, three young men --- one armed --- were celebrating. They waved at a man driving by blowing his horn. Above their heads a loudspeaker on a mosque repeated over and over: Allahu Akbar.
Part of the celebration is relief that, hopefully, the eight days and nights of bombing and shelling are now at an end and people can sleep safely. Or sleep at all.
But there is also a mood of victory.
"Israel begged for a ceasefire because it could not stop our rockets," said Adel Mansour, who was without a gun. "They bombed us, they killed our women and children, but they could not stop the resistance. So they had to surrender and agree to stop the assassinations. They learned we cannot be defeated by their bombs."