Syria (and Beyond) Live Coverage: Hundreds Dead in Homs as Regime Strikes

Sounds of the overnight assault on Homs
See also Syria Snap Analysis: What the Massacre in Homs Means br>
Syria 1st-Hand Video: Inside Homs Before the Massacre br>
Syria Video Special: The Dead, Dying, and Injured in Homs br>
Friday's Egypt, Syria, Bahrain (and Beyond) Live Coverage: A Triple Feature of Protest
2140 GMT: Bahrainis have met in the forum of the "Bahrain Debate" to try and find a political accommodation.
Eyad Ebrahim, one of the organiser, said, Everybody is worried. We don't want to see violence on the streets, from police or civilians. We want people to be able to talk freely and express their opinions. We need to move beyond this social tension because even if we have a political problem, there is no need for the community to disintegrate."
"A fundamental solution to the political problem is needed to end the vicious circle," said Omar Al Shehabi, who heads the Gulf Centre for Policy Studies, citing unrest going back decades. "I don't know any home or family that has not been affected or had someone imprisoned. All parts of the population need to have a role in writing the constitution. The constitution of 2002 was written behind closed doors." GMT: Claimed footage of the regime troops captured by the Free Syrian Army in the Khalidiya and Bayada sections of Homs: