Syria, Egypt (and Beyond) LiveBlog: Prosecution Creep?

Human rights activist Razan Zaitouneh sends a video message from hiding in Damascus, "We face one of the most brutal regimes in the region and in the world"
See also Bahrain Feature : How The Regime Is Restoring Peace, The American Way br>
Syria Opinion: Why There Should --- And Will --- Be a No-Fly Zone br>
Friday's Syria, Egypt (and Beyond) Liveblog: A United Front
1900 GMT: A mass protest tonight in the Karam al-Shami section of Homs in Syria:
1855 GMT: Bahraini activist Zainab Alkhawaja criticises the regime's appointment of John Yates, former Assistant Commission of London's police (see 1325 GMT), to "reform" the kingdom's law enforcement: