Iran Election Guide

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Entries in Ahmad Zeidan (1)


Assessing The Death of Bin Laden: Scott Lucas on the BBC and Al Jazeera English

I've been discussing both the immediate events and the significance beyond the killing of Osama bin Laden by US forces on the BBC and Al Jazeera English. I think there is a lot here for debate: by the time of the Al Jazeera English interview --- the most provocative exchange, posing big questions about what is next for the US in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and beyond --- the celebration in America was only dimly heard in the analyses.

BBC WM: Audio begins about the 2:04.45 mark

BBC Coventry and Warwickshire: Audio begins at the start of the programme

Al Jazeera English: I appeared on a special edition of Inside Story this afternoon with Al Jazeera's bureau chief in Islamabad, Ahmad Zeidan, and with Hamid Gul, the former head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence. Video will be posted later.

BBC Midlands Today: Video will be posted later.