Iran Feature: The Week in Civil Society --- Death of a Scholar, Honouring Political Prisoners (Arseh Sevom)
Ahmad GhabelThis week we mark the passing of religious scholar and political dissident Ahmad Ghabel and the award of
the prestigious Sakharov Prize
to filmmaker Jafar Panahi and imprisoned lawyer Nassrin Sotoudeh.
The non-binding Iran
Tribunal closed in The Hague. United for Iran released a
report highly critical of the focus of the international community on
Iran's nuclear program at the expense of human rights.
The economy continues to falter and workers are losing their jobs at alarming rates. Afghans continue to be repatriated, while the government does its best to widen the gender gap. The Tehran Symphony is now only available to those who can privately hire them, and a new film on the lives of transexuals in Iran has opened in the country.