Egypt (and Beyond) LiveBlog: Turmoil and Confusion

Activist montage of the march today in Sitra in Bahrain for 16-year-old Ali Alsatrawi, killed last week by a police jeep, and the attack on it by security forces
See also Bahrain Video Diary, Part 3: The Freedom Torch Marches To Its Final Destination" br>
Monday's Bahrain, Syria (and Beyond) LiveBlog: "The Government Wants the People To Become More Violent" br>
Monday's Egypt (and Beyond) LiveBlog: The Newest Battle of Tahrir Square
2145 GMT: Numerous reports from Tahrir Square in Cairo are indicating "the most potent tear gas yet".
Discussion is pointing to the use by Egyptian security forces of CR gas, whose "effects are approximately 6 to 10 times more powerful than those of CS gas".
The gathering in Alexandria tonight: