Iraq Audio Analysis: The Political Story Behind This Week's Deaths --- Scott Lucas with Monocle 24
I spoke with Monocle 24's The Daily last night about Tuesday's fighting --- following a raid by security forces on a protest camp --- which killed at least 27 people in Hawija, near Kirkuk in northern Iraq.
Listen from the 7:42 mark on The Daily homepage or in a pop-out window
The discussion began with the provocative questions, "How deep does the sectarian schism run? Is this a return to civil war?"
To deal with this, I focused on the context for the event to look at what is likely to follow: the months of escalating, mainly-Sunni demonstrations against the al-Maliki Government; the sparks for the protests last December; and the issues that persist.
My take-away line from Monocle 24's final question, "What can we do about tbis?"....
"Nothing. The change will have to come from Iraqis themselves."

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