Iran- Syria-North Korea Shocker: Congress Reveals US Threatened by "Evil Love Triangle"

Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen speaks at the "Breaking the Iran, North Korea and Syria Nexus" hearing on Thursday
An evil love triangle is threatening the world and the US must intervene to stop it, was the no-nonsense message from House Foreign Affairs Committee leaders this week.
The dastardly trio of Syria, North Korea and Iran are embroiled in a torrid "triangular relationship", lawmakers warned. While Pyongyang and Tehran were working together to build a nuclear bomb, the Iranian mullahs were supplying weapons to Damascus.
Turning a blind eye to reports that the US has provided weapons and intelligence assistance to select Syrian insurgents, Republican representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen said Barack Obama was failing and needed to get tough" on the Triumvirate.
Ros-Lehtinen said, "History had proven that diplomatic relations with these regimes have been a waste of time."
Stressing this was no time to be submissive, the Republican representative said Obama should take control and "fully and vigorously enforce" embargoes against the "triangle of proliferation".
Democratic representative Brad Sherman took a more old-fashioned --- or Old Testament --- approach, suggesting that the three countries were "evil" and their governments were "evil", with Iran the most evil.
Meanwhile, former CIA Director James Woolsey advised splitting up the Evil Three, moving them to different parts of the global classroom to prevent trouble.
“Our primary and overall goal should be to break, literally destroy this axis, not destroy the countries but destroy the interaction between these three states," said Woolsey, perhaps indicating that the three countries -- loners who preferred to dress in black and had found each other -- had been influenced by violent computer games and films.
Woolsey said that Obama needed to have a stern word with the three and "speak up more strongly" about their "behavior".
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