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Iran Audio Feature: Nuclear Talks and Scare Stories --- Scott Lucas with Monocle 24

See also Iran Feature: "Oil-Spill Sabotage To Block Strait of Hormuz" --- How Western Media Spreads a Scare Story

I joined Monocle 24's The Briefing today to talk about latest developments concerning Iran. We spent most of the time asking if Tehran's signals to the West over renewed discussions about its nuclear programme are genuine; however, we also had a look at today's "scare story" of an Iranian plan for an oil spill in the Strait of Hormuz and the more serious claim --- though still part of political spin --- of Tehran's cyber-warfare against the US, Europe, and Arab States.

To get to the discussion, open The Briefing's homepage, click on the programe for 15/10, and go to the 7:19 mark.

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