The Death of Osama Bin Laden: EA's Coverage

Sean Foley looks at the little-noted effect of this week's events: "Bin Laden Feature: Why The Significance of His Death May Be in East Asia"
Steve Hewitt offers a perspective on why the Al Qa'eda leader spent the last years of his life in the town of Abbottabad: "Bin Laden Feature: How US Drones Drove Osama to His Final Location"
Richard Jackson considers the reaction to the news: "Bin Laden Follow-Up: Reflections on the Killing of a Terrorist...and Our Celebration of It"
The fight inside the US Government over strategy post-Osama escalates:"After Bin Laden: The Administration Battle over Troops in Afghanistan (Part 2)"
EA on radio and TV: "Scott Lucas on the BBC --- Assassination, Conspiracy Theories, and Bad PR" and "Scott Lucas on BBC World Service --- Politics and Obama at Ground Zero"
Mike Dunn looks at the Internet's extraction of dark humour from events: "Bin Laden Follow-Up: Osama, Obama, and the LOLs of History"
The New York Times picks up on the developing situation beyond Osama's death: "Bin Laden Follow-Up: US-Pakistan Tension Escalates"
Josh Shahryar looks far beyond the death of Osama: "Bin Laden Follow-Up: Waking Up to the Realities of Pakistan and Iran"
Scott Lucas assesses the US Administration's latest moves: "Bin Laden Follow-Up: Obama Administration Frets About Withdrawal from Afghanistan & Tensions with Pakistan (But, Hey, We Sure Showed Iran)"
EA on radio and TV: "Beyond the Death of Bin Laden: Scott Lucas on the BBC" and "The End of Osama bin Laden: Scott Lucas on Al Jazeera's Inside Story"
The news as we got it this morning: "Breaking: Osama Bin Laden Killed by US Forces"
"Video & Transcript: President Obama Announces Death of Osama Bin Laden"
The unusual side story: "Bin Laden Feature: The Man Who Broke the News of the US Attack (But Didn't Know It)"
James Miller's immediate analysis: "Snap Reaction: The Significance of Killing Bin Laden"
EA's expert on terrorism Steve Hewitt gets to the point: "Bin Laden Top 10 List: His Death and What's Next"
EA is also on radio and TV: "Assessing The Death of Bin Laden: Scott Lucas on the BBC and Al Jazeera English"

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