Yemen, Syria, Libya (and Beyond) LiveBlog: Ceasefire?

2055 GMT: Another clip of protest in Morocco today --- at the end of the footage, the marchers flee from security forces:
1950 GMT: In Morocco, security forces have again mobilised to disperse marches by protesters calling for political and economic reforms.
1945 GMT: In Egypt, hundreds of doctors and health service providers have marched in downtown Cairo, demandeing the resignation of Minister of Health Ashraf Hatem, a fair wage system for all employees, hospital security, and an increase in the Ministry of Health’s funding to 15% of the general budget.
Protesters chanted slogans such as “Minimum wage for those living in graves”, “The stadium is protected by a tank and the hospital is without a gate,” and “We want a budget increase and improved healthcare services.”
1935 GMT: Sheikh Ali Salman, head of the Bahrain opposition group Wefaq, has declared that his goal is political reform, rejecting accusations of taking orders from Iran or seeking to install Shi'ite religious rule.
Salman said in an interview with Reuters, "We want a constitutional monarchy, not a republic. We are for a gradual move to a democratic system, so we are not against the ruling family."
The activist continued, "We have national demands that have nothing to do with Iran. We are proud of being a sensible, mature and progressive political movement that doesn't need to take instructions from Iran or any other country."
1930 GMT: The casualties from an attack by security forces on a demonstration in Taiz in central Yemen (see 1545 GMT) is now three dead and more than 400 wounded.
The forces used tear gas and live ammunition against a march of revolutionary youth calling for the release of one of their compatriots.
1920 GMT: Back from a break to find, according to an activist, that Syrian security forces shot dead five people and wounded more than 100 others as they encircled the towns of Talbisa and Rastan in the centre of the country (see 0855 GMT).
Rami Abdul Rahman, head of the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, claimed security forces were carrying out searches in Talbisa, where a large crowd demonstrated in the streets on Friday.
Meanwhile, Syrian doctor and activist Mohammed Awad al-Ammar has been charged with "damaging the prestige of the state and spreading false information".
1600 GMT: Claimed footage of a demonstration in Homs in Syria today:
1545 GMT: Al Jazeera has reported one person killed and 80 injured when Yemeni security forces fired upon a march in Taiz.
1530 GMT: Al-Masdar Online summarises a statement from nine Yemen military commanders declaring that they are supporting the "peaceful revolution" of the people. Signatories include former Minister of Defense Maj. Gen. Abdullah Ali Elewa.
1520 GMT: Amidst reports that the Libyan regime is seeking a deal for a cease-fire, a former British Minister has held talks with Libya’s Acting Foreign Minister in the Tunisian capital Tunis, according to one of the participants.
Lord David Trefgarne, a junior government minister in the 1980s and chairman of the Libyan British Business Council, met Acting Foreign Minister Abdelati Obeidi on Saturday, said Oliver Miles, a former British ambassador to Libya and deputy chairman of the Council: “I can confirm that the meeting took place. It lasted for over an hour. Neither us of was authorised to have the meeting, either by the council or by the British government."
A spokeswoman for Britain’s Foreign Office said: “No representatives of HMG (Her Majesty’s Government), or intermediaries, are involved in negotiations with the Libyan regime about a ceasefire. Our position is clear. Gaddafi must go, so that the Libyan people can determine their own future.”
1505 GMT: Back from a break to find that a Yemeni activist claiming a brigade of the powerful Republican Guard, commanded by the son of President Saleh, has defected to the opposition in a southern province.
It is the first reported defection among the elite troops.
Activist Abdul-Rahman Ahmed said a letter from Brigadier General Ibrahim al-Jayfi, commander of the Guard's Ninth Brigade was read to thousands of protesters in the provincial capital of Damar.
1255 GMT: Ben Wedeman of CNN reports that at least 25 opposition fighters have been wounded as regime forces try to break through the front-line near opposition-held Misurata, 210 kilometres (130 miles) east of Tripoli.
1250 GMT: A spokesman for Yemeni opposition tribal leader Sadeq Al-Ahmar has said the Hashed tribe has given a number of government buildings back to the regime after President Saleh promised not to use them to launch attacks. However, the spokesman said, "This does not mean a ceasefire has been signed."
1215 GMT: Manal al-Sharif, detained for more than a week for defying Saudi Arabia's ban on women driving (see separate feature), has appealed to King Abdullah for her release.
"'Manal al-Sharif hopes that the king will order her release and close her file," her lawyer Adnan al-Saleh said.
"Her morale is very high, and she is sure of herself," Mr Saleh said, denying reports in various Saudi newspapers that she had collapsed after being detained and expressed regret for breaking the driving ban.
Al-Sharif was arrested on 21 May, a day after she posted YouTube footage of her behind the wheel her behind the wheel.
She was initially held for five days on Sunday. Saudi authorities on Thursday extended her detention for 10 more days.
1205 GMT: A regime spokesman in Yemen has said that government buildings are still in the hands of the fighters of opposition tribal leader Sheikh Sadeq al-Ahmar, making it impossible 2 reach a lasting agreement: "They must first hand over government property."
1000 GMT: Reuters reports from a witness that two people have been killed in Rastan in central Syria, amidst protests over the military's encirclement of the town (see 0855 GMT).
0900 GMT: Hakim al Masmari, editor of the Yemen Post, has spoken to Al Jazeera English about the situation on the southern coast: "The Government withdrew their forces from Zinjibar, and left armed Islamic militants to run the city --- over 900 security forces left the city about 2 days ago.
Al Masmari continued, "I cannot confirm they're Al Qaeda, I will say they're Islamic militants. The opposition released a statement last night stating that the Islamic militants in the town are in fact Al Qaeda."
0855 GMT: A human rights activist has said that several people were wounded by "intense gunfire" on Sunday as Syrian tanks encircled the towns of Rastan and Talbisa and the village of Deir Maaleh at dawn.
The three are all situated between Homs and Hama in central Syria, and the activist said tanks also blocked the highway linking Homs, Syria's third-largest city, and Hama.
0820 GMT: A resident of Zinjibar on the southern coast of Yemen says about 300 fighters occupied the town on Friday as regime forces left.
News media are using the loose label "Al Qa'eda" for the occupiers. We are looking for more information, for example, whether the insurgents belong to local tribes who have turned against the regime.
0610 GMT: After days of tensions and conflicts, a slower start to Sunday --- in Yemen, there is talk of an agreement to a ceasefire between regime troops and the forces of opposition tribal leaders, but also uncertainty as to whether the arrangement will hold.
Meanwhile, US officials --- always bringing the issue back to "How will Al Qa'eda benefit?" --- wags a finger at all sides: "We are very concerned that the unsettled situation in Yemen is bringing longstanding tribal rivalries to the surface, which is further complicating the process of reaching an agreement on an orderly transfer of power. Tribal as well as extremist elements are attempting to exploit the current instability in order to advance their own parochial interests."
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