Iran Breaking: Another Ahmadinejad Ally Gone - VP Baghaei Barred for 4 Years
Fars is reporting that Hamid Baghaei, Vice-President in charge of executive affairs, has been barred from any civil service position for 4 years by the administrative justice court. Baghaei was punished for "numerous violations" as head of Iran's Culture and Heritage Organization.
Baghaei confirmed the sentence in a news conference today, while saying he does not accept the verdict and will appeal.
Baghaei was recently appointed as Vice President by President Ahmadinejad. He is a close ally of Ahmadinejad's right-hand man Esfandiar Rahim-Mashai, who has also held the Culture and Heritage post.
Baghaei is the highest-profile member of Rahim-Mashai's circle to be punished in recent weeks. Earlier this week, Kazem Kiapasha, who had served with Rahim-Mashai at the Tehran municipal offices and at Culture and Heritage was arrested.
As an EA correspondent assessed only last evening, "The strategy of Ahmadinejad's critics within the establishment is now to pick off those around Rahim-Mashai. It is unlikely they will go directly for the President --- for example, through impeachment --- but will reduce his base of support."
(hat tip to a friend of EA in Tehran for alerting us to the story)

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