Syria, Libya (and Beyond): Shutting Down Protest?

Syrian Protest, 22 April 20111835 GMT: The Government of Bahrain has blocked one of its own websites, the homepage of the Jaffaria Waqf (Endowments) Directorate.
The Directorate was established in 1927 as an independent organization and reports to the Minister of Justice and Islamic Affairs. The activities of the Directorate focus mainly on the supervision of 724 mosques and 632 Matams (congregation halls).
An activist speculates the site may have been blocked because it referred to the recent destruction of dozens of mosques by authorities, who claim they were unlicenced.
1814 GMT: An activist with family in Daraa and Damascus writes this report: "Water and electricity cut off in Deir Ba'alba and heavy bombardment of homes with automatic weapons has began <#Homs #Syria
1810 GMT: MSNBC is raising the death toll to 42, including children, killed by security forces in Syria today.
1801 GMT: How many have been killed today? The Associated Foreign Press has confirmed that at least 32 have been killed in today's "Day of Rage." Some sources are reporting however, that they are composing a list of names, more than 40 martyrs killed today by Syria forces. It's very hard to get an accurate count, as redundant reports are rampant, but it is safe to say that more than 30 people have been killed today by regime security forces.
The AFP is also noting that four soldiers are among the dead in Daraa. The real development there, however, is the reports that these soldiers were killed by other soldiers when they refused to fire on protesters. If true, it is the first time (that I am aware of) that we have seen reliable reports of cracks in the unity of the security forces.
1752 GMT: Human rights activists in Deraa have told Reuters that at least 83 bodies are currently in the morgue there, killed by security forces during a four day siege by the Syrian army:
"We counted 83 bodies so far, many stored in refrigerator trucks. Most of the bullets went through heads and chests, indicating that snipers most likely had done the shooting," Tamer al-Jahamani, a prominent lawyer in Deraa, told Reuters.
1746 GMT: New videos have been posted in a separate entry. The latest shows tanks and soldiers attacking Shaykh Miskeen, In Hauran.
1729 GMT: Syrian human rights activist Mohammad Al abdallah (Tweeting from Washington, D.C.) has this report. We will watch this development, but have no way to verify this information yet:
"Eyewitness: Lt. Alaa Alcoaiti has been killed by a security officer in#Khalidiya #Homs after he refused to fire on the protesters #Syria"
1710 GMT: A big thank you to Ali Yenidunya for carrying the live blog through most of the day, on an especially busy day. James Miller is taking the blog for a spin for a while.
Earlier today pro-Gaddafi forces entered Tunisia (see updates below), and the Tunisian deputy foreign minister summoned the Libyan ambassador to discuss the matter.
"We summoned the Libyan envoy and gave him a strong protest because we won't tolerate any repetition of such violations. Tunisian soil is a red line and no one is allowed to breach it."
Al Jazeera English is reporting that Tunisian civilians were fired upon by Gaddafi forces. It should be noted that the area where the battle occurred, the Dehiba-Wazin border crossing, has been the site where large amounts of refugees have fled Libya for Tunisia, and beyond.
1705 GMT: Finally, a revised US-led proposal accepted by UNHRC, with twenty-six nations in favour of the text, nine against, seven abstained and five already absent. According to the text, the resolution "unequivocally condemns the use of lethal violence against peaceful protestors by the Syrian authorities... and urges the Syrian government to immediately put an end to all human rights violations."
It also "requests the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to urgently dispatch a mission to the Syrian Arab Republic to investigate all alleged violations of international human rights law."
1700 GMT: A Syrian protesting the opposition came from Russia and China to Washington's proposal in UNHRC.
1645 GMT: Around 250 Syrians crossed into Turkey but were stopped by border guards, Anatolia news agency reported.
1640 GMT: US to announce sanctions against five individuals and groups in Syria after latest violence. No details of sanctions revealed yet.
1630 GMT: Eyewitness tells CNN he saw bodies of 16 protesters in Tafas hospital near Deraa. According to Al Arabiya, this number is 19.
1615 GMT: Protesters in Nawa, near Deraa, display banners appealing for water, food, medicine and phones.
1600 GMT: Khalifa al-Zwawi, the leader of the rebellion in Misrata, asked weapons from the international community to topple Qaddafi. He said:
Once we have done that our target is to eliminate the Gaddafi regime. We want to go to Tripoli and set it free, and Libya free. We want to move from defence to attack. The most important thing for us now is arms. We need weapons that are suitable to take on Gaddafi. As soon as our freedom fighters reach people in other cities they will join our revolt.
1555 GMT: Al-Jazeera's Rula Amin reports from Damascus.
1545 GMT: A picture of protests from Banyas.
1540 GMT: At least 15 people have been killed in #Deraa. On the other hand, the regime claims that an "armed terrorist group" attacked a checkpoint killing 4 soldiers, kidnapping 2.
1530 GMT: Pro-Qaddafi forces tried to enter #Misrata and killed at least nine people and wounded 30 others, according to a doctor who is a member of the medical committee in the city.
1515 GMT: The U.S. led probe to condemn a crackdown on protests in Syria resisted by Russia, China, Syria and other nations in the UN Human Rights Council today. Syria insisted that it had already set up a committee to investigate civilian deaths
"To the Syrian government, we are sending a clear and unequivocal message that we will not turn a blind as you arbitrarily imprison, torture and kill your own citizens," US ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donohoe told the council.
1500 GMT: Four people, two of them civilians, were killed and several others wounded in clashes in Yemen.
1455 GMT: The death toll in Deraa is at least 11 (four soldiers and seven civilians) now.
1445 GMT: About 10,000 Syrians have marched in support of Deraa from the old Midan district of Damascus, which is considered as the biggest protest in the capital so far.
1440 GMT: At least seven people killed in Deraa today.
1435 GMT: Syrian Parliament's official website is down now after it was hacked earlier today.
1430 GMT: NATO air strikes hit pro-Qaddafi forces in Zintan, with five missiles.
1425 GMT: Egypt's Foreign Minister Nabil Al-Araby said that they will permanently open the Rafah border crossing to ease the blockade on Gaza.
1415 GMT: Muslim Brotherhood's declaration for Syrians: "Do not let the regime besiege your compatriots. Chant with one voice for freedom and dignity. Do not allow the tyrant to enslave you. God is great."
1410 GMT: Tunisia summoned Libya's ambassador to protest against incursions by Libyan forces. It is also reported that Qaddafi's men were captured by Tunisian forces.
1405 GMT: Syrian forces fire at thousands of villagers heading to centre of Deraa.
1400 GMT: It is claimed that Syrian security forces have opened heavy gunfire on protestors at the north gate of Deraa.
1345 GMT: NATO says its warships have intercepted several boats laying anti-shipping mines outside Misrata harbour, Libya.
1340 GMT: Our correspondent Christina Baghdady reports: Libyans and Syrians protestors inside the Tahrir Square. They were chanting: "There is no God but God. Qaddafi is the enemy of God. Hell Qaddafi and his children."
Arabs on Tahrir Square also chanted: "Where are the Arab armies?" and "Unity, unity against all thieves".
1320 GMT: Other videos are coming from protests taking place in Syria.
Note: We've moved the videos to a separate entry
1315 GMT: It is reported that there are demonstrations in support of the Syrian opposition from Jordan side of Syrian border. Authorities have closed all official border crossings.
1300 GMT: Syrian protestors chanting "the people want to bring down the regime."
1255 GMT: Other videos are coming from various parts of Syria.
NOTE: the vidoes have moved to a separate entry.
1245 GMT: Demonstration in Barzeh calling upon the Syrian army to lift Deraa siege.
1235 GMT: Son of the SyriaN representative for Deraa cries on air, calling on authorities to at least let the women & children out.
1230 GMT: Syrian security forces fire tear gas to disperse protesters in Old Qanawat district of Damascus. Meanwhile, security forces are heavily deployed in Marja and Abbasid Squares in Damascus and they are reportedly closing mosques in Deraa.
1220 GMT: An opposition Facebook page has uploaded an impressive video from protests in Damascus. The video begins with a large crowd of people running down the street, apparently away from tear gas. Then, the camera pans up to show thousands, the whole street is full, and the chant is quite clear:
"The people want to topple the regime."
1210 GMT: Reporters for Al Jazeera are characterizing the protests in Syria as a struggle over Damascus. A huge security presence is attemtping to prevent protests in the Capital, while the protesters are making inroads towards making large scale protests there a reality.
There are many reports that plain-clothed police arrested protesters from the crowd as riot police and heavily armed security attempted to disperse crowds, or prevent them from advancing.
1204 GMT: Al Jazeera has posted several additional videos of protests today in Syria. This video displays a large crowd of people in Deir al-Zour chanting, "There is no fear, to Paradise we are going, Martyrs in millions. The Syria people is one, God, Syria, and freedom only."
Also, there are now reports of widespread protests in Damascus, Homs, Latakia, Daraa, Qamishli and Amoda.
1200 GMT: There are reports on Twitter of tens of thousands on the street in Syria. Here is another video claiming to have been taken today.
It appears as though the live feed from Syria, noted earlier (1129), is over, as it is now playing a slideshow with a soundtrack.
1150 GMT: An eyewitness says that Syrian security forces have opened fire on protestors in Latakia, wounding at least five people.
1129 GMT: This morning we have something very rare indeed. This is video that appears to be a live stream of anti-government protests from Syria. It's fascinating that such a thing even exists. We caution that we have no way, yet, to verify this, nor do we know in which city the footage is being filmed.
1121 GMT: Al Jazeera Mubasher (Live, Arabic) is running live images of anti-Saleh demonstrations in Yemen.
1120 GMT: Clashes have ended. Libya rebels say that they have retaken Tunisia border crossing.
1110 GMT: Thousands of people in Kurdish regions of eastern Syria demonstrate in solidarity with Deraa city.
1100 GMT: Syrian officials call on "brothers and sisters" to contribute to "stability and security."
"In the current circumstances, the interior ministry calls on brother citizens to contribute in an effective way to stability and security ... by not staging demonstrations or sit-ins for any reason without official permission," said a statement reported by the state news agency SANA.
On the other hand, protests are going flat out.
1050 GMT: The latest updates on the clashes taking place in the Dehiba-Wazin crossing. Pro=Qaddafi forces are exchanging fire with Tunisian forces.
1040 GMT: Video of yesterday's exchange of fire between the units of the 4th Army Division and the 5th division that resulted in wounded soldiers trying to protect Syrian people.
1030 GMT: Reports are coming that protests have started in Deraa, Latakia, Amouda, Hasaka and Qameshli. Anti-government protestors have called a "day of anger" after Friday prayers.
0950 GMT: Pro-Gaddafi forces have reportedly attacked the Tunisian town of Dehiba, just across the border from Libya. Witnesses told Reuters that small arms and artillery are being fired on the center of the town. At least one woman has been killed there, according to those witnesses. Details are still emerging on this story.
0945 GMT: Maghreb Arab Press reports that prominent Morrocan journalist Rachid Nini has been arrested. We cannot independently verify this.
0935 GMT: Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has threatened to back down from a deal that would see the him step down, but receive immunity from prosecution. Saleh accused the government of Qatar of staging a conspiracy not only in his country, but also in Egypt, Syria and Libya. AFP reports:
"Contacts are under way for the signing of the agreement on Monday in Riyadh, but we have reservations about some mediators involved in a conspiracy... The state of Qatar is funding chaos in Yemen and in Egypt and Syria and throughout the Arab world... We reserve the right not to sign if the representatives of Qatar are present" at the ceremony, Saleh warned.
0550 GMT: Overnight developments in the Libyan conflict....
Tunisia has condemned the spill-over of fighting into its territory after regime and opposition forces battled on Thursday for control of the Dehiba-Wazin border crossing: "Given the gravity of what has happened ... the Tunisian authorities have informed the Libyans of their extreme indignation and demand measures to put an immediate stop to these violations."
The situation in the east appears to be stalemated, with the opposition establishing a checkpoint and barricades on the road between Ajdabiya, held by the insurgents, and Brega, controlled by the regime.
Several explosions were heard in Tripoli after NATO warplanes flew over the capital.
0545 GMT: The UN Human Rights Council will hold a special session on Syria today in Geneva, with the US tabling a draft resolution calling on the Council to "urgently dispatch an independent, international commission of investigate all alleged violations of international human rights law".
The resolution "strongly condemns the killing, arrest and torture of hundreds of peaceful protesters by the Syrian government" and "stresses the need to investigate... and prosecute those responsible for attacks".
0535 GMT: Syrian activists claim shooting and arrests in Zabadani, about 35 km (22 miles) southwest of Damascus, on Thursday.
0530 GMT: Claimed footage of a candle-lit vigil last night in Darraya near Damascus for Daraa, the town in southern Syria occupied by the military and the site of dozens of deaths since March 15.
0520 GMT: Anticipating Friday protests, Syrian authorities have put out strident warnings against any demonstrations.
Despite the regime's crackdown this week, with military occupations of several towns, activists have put out the message that they will gather today. And the banned Muslim Brotherhood has made its first call for protests: "Do not let the regime besiege your compatriots. Chant with one voice for freedom and dignity. Do not allow the tyrant to enslave you. God is great."

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