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EA Appeal: Save the Vulture (Who is Not, In Fact, an Israeli Spy)

A Non-Spying Griffon VultureAs long-time readers know, our correspondent Ms. EA has a special dedication to animal welfare. She brought us the exclusive story of Winnie the Pooh's response to the swine flu scare, and last month she helped break the story of the "Israeli spy" sharks (who were not, in fact, Israeli spies) infesting Egyptian waters.

But now Ms EA has reached a new level of concern. She has learned from absolutely, totally, beyond-any-doubt media outlets that a griffon vulture is in danger of execution in Saudi Arabia because --- and you may see a theme building here --- he is accused of being an Israeli spy.

The griffon vulture, which has a wing span of up to eight feet (2.65 metres), is part of a zoological study at Tel Aviv University. It has a GPS transmitter to store and send data about its location, altitude, and speed.

This, presumably, could be mis-interpreted as being the latest surveillance device of Israel's Mossad intelligence service. So when the big bird's transmitter wound up in the Saudi city of Hyaal, presumably because he had been detained, the suspicion built that the vulture was under suspicion. The death penalty surely awaited.

There is only catch with this appeal. Trust me, I do not want to risk personal injury by belittling Ms. EA's concern, but I'm not sure how far the facts stretch in this spy story.

Initial media reports claimed the Saudi newspaper al-Weeam --- the vulture was caught in a rural area with a "foul odor coming out of its mouth -- proof of a Zionist plot." --- as the source. This gradually morphed into "Saudi newspapers and websites", bolstered by lots of quotes in the Israeli press from "stunned officials" and forlorn ornithologists: ""Now, this poor bird is paying a terrible price. That's very sad."

So please act now to save this poor vulture's life even if it is not in danger. Please protest via a Facebook group, "This Big Bird is Not a Zionist Agent", even if 1) he is a Zionist agent; 2) he is an American agent; 3) he is a Saudi double agent; 4) he wound up as dinner for a small village. 

Please spread this story, even though the Israeli Foreign Ministry says it is " the direct result of an over- active imagination of a number of people", because an over-active imagination (and an under-active press) is a terrible thing to waste.

Above all, please disseminate for the welfare of this endangered, magnificent creature. (And for mine as well.)

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