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Palestine Interview: Hamas' Khaled Meshaal on the "Resistance Bloc" and the New Middle East (Narwani)

Earlier this month, Sharmine Narwani interviewed Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal in Damascus for the Huffington Post. In Part 1 of the interview, he addressed the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and Hamas' perspective on the direct talks. Here he speaks about broader regional issues, including the emergence of a "Resistance Bloc", the New Middle East, and relations with Iran, the Ground Zero mosque, and, on a more personal note, his relationship with his father:

SN: The "Resistance Bloc" in the Middle East - Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas - how did it come about?

KM: The forming of this bloc is a natural consequence of events in the region - firstly, the presence of Israel and its atrocities against the region, and then the failure of the negotiation process to achieve something substantial. Even when the Arabs compromised and agreed to the borders of 1967, they did not receive a serious response from Israel. Thus, we have this stalemated situation where Israel has a free hand to do whatever it wants - with the world community turning a blind eye - which leads to the response in the street and to the forming of the bloc you have mentioned.

So there is a vacuum. There is a fiasco. There is a frustration. There is an increasing fury and anger among the masses. And now, embarrassment at the official level in the region. There is also the emergence of resistance in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan. This resistance keeps standing up to Israel and keeps developing its capabilities - as you can see, they accomplished some successful results in Gaza and in Southern Lebanon. Resistance has therefore become an attractive model for states in the region. This naturally created an environment conducive to the forming of this bloc.

SN: You mention Israel as a key reason for this Resistance Bloc forming in the Middle East. But I believe this "bloc" has more than just four members --- it is more of a "Worldview" which includes Qatar, Turkey, maybe Oman, Iraq and others --- the one common denominator being "the desire for a state to act in its own self-interest." Israel may have been a trigger for this Worldview emerging in parts of the Mideast, but how does a country like Qatar, for instance, get drawn in?

KM: You got this in the same context as I wish to continue. Look at a country like Qatar --- it has good relations with the United States, used to have a degree of relations with Israel until the Gaza War, and is considered to be a moderate and liberal state. Qatar's foreign policy is being formed by the views of its leader, the Emir. The situation in the region created a belief, for a country like Qatar, that if it wants to have a role in the region, it has to open up its options in all directions. The one who keeps himself away from the relevant elements in the region, he won't be relevant himself. In Qatar you have this leadership --- someone who is smart and courageous like the Emir. He understands and realizes full well the aspirations and the mood of his own people and the people of the region. So he adopts those issues and causes which are popular among his constituencies, among those nations --- which works well if those issues are already close to his own beliefs and his own interests.

Keeping in mind that other Arab countries have for decades been unable to present a successful model that is attractive for others to adopt, this new regional state model has thrived in recent years. These countries --- Qatar, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Turkey --- share some common elements, but they are not identical to each other. They each have their own modus operandi and interests. Something these nations do share, however, is the self-desire to develop this new trend, but at the same time to remain open - not closed or bound - to enjoying options.

SN: Not dogmatic, as in the past...

KM: ...ah yes, not like that. Why should we be dividing ourselves into two blocs --- either being against America and the West, or acquiescing 100% to them?

The people in the region, they are looking for leadership to match their own aspirations and ambitions. In a way we need a model where democracy is there, internal reform, successful economy, justice at the social level - and at the same time, there is independence in their political decisions, away from acquiescing to the threats of Israel --- and not being a proxy to foreign, American and Western policies. We do not want to wage a war against the world. Or to sever relations with countries. So the nations and the people of the region want a state model based on self respect --- without any enmity with the world.

SN: But is it possible to make progress in domestic reforms before foreign interference in the region stops?

KM: My view is that no doubt the foreign intervention is an impediment and has its own negative repercussions. But of course it cannot stop our internal reforms....

SN: It completely stopped the Palestinian democratic process...

KM: The Palestinian situation is different because we are under occupation and don't have a state. I am talking about stable countries in the region. They have no excuse not to have their own democratic models and reforms -- even with foreign intervention -- and Turkey is an example of that. Any leadership that genuinely desires to make internal change will do it irrespective of obstacles or foreign intervention. Otherwise if we acquiesce to the notion that the foreign element is the decisive factor in a process for transformation, we will never have democracy, reform, social justice and vibrant economies in this part of the world.

In Hamas, we know very well how the intervention of Americans, Israelis and other international actors has had a significant impact on the Palestinian situation --- especially if we talk about the control of money and financial assistance. Finances have had a direct impact on Palestinian politics, which is why the Palestinian Authority --- Salam Fayyad, Mahmoud Abbas --- is very weak. Hamas realizes the impact of this element on us and on the Palestinian situation, but we will not acquiesce to it.

SN: Do you think Hamas' more conciliatory positions in recent years has "watered down" your organization? Have any of these efforts reaped any rewards for you whatsoever?

KM: The "openness" which you acknowledge yourself, comes neither from changing Hamas' position nor from acquiescing to external pressures --- this openness is part of Hamas' strategy:

On the one hand, we have remained steadfast in our determination to attain the legitimate national rights of our people and to continue the resistance. On the other hand, in politics, we proceed with an open mind. How do we do this? I restrict my battle to Israel only. Our battle is not with the United States of America --- nor with the West. Yes, the American policies and some Western policies are hostile to us, but there is still no way that my battle is with them. So I am open - I can talk and I can engage in dialogue with the West and with the Americans. But I will not acquiesce to them. We have confidence in ourselves and independence in our decisions --- we will not be a proxy for anybody, and our enemy is only restricted to the occupation --- to the Israelis.

SN: OK, but in all fairness, Hamas once was in large part about armed resistance like Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is still today. There are all these demands on Hamas from the international community today -- to accept the Quartet Principles, accepting all the treaties, recognizing Israel, renouncing violence, etc. So your efforts to engage has landed you somewhere between PIJ and Fatah --- and not so distinguishable any longer. I know exactly what those two organizations are about --- but Hamas...not so much.

KM: You want a very distinctive or explicit answer. Either you adopt this track or that track. What you are suggesting in your question is not what Hamas desires.

Firstly, Hamas did not reduce its level of resistance because we wanted to present some flexibility with the Quartet conditions, or even to satisfy the West. The level of resistance diminished because of very objective field conditions inside Palestine. This goes for Hamas, Islamic Jihad --- for everybody. I mean it wasn't our political decision to downsize the resistance, but it happened because of the significant security pressures in the field --- security pressures from both Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Secondly, Hamas is not practicing being a "moderate" movement to satisfy the other side or expecting something in return from the West --- not at all --- it is part of our own personality, our creed, the strategy we believe in. The West will decide to engage with Hamas when they are convinced that they will not achieve anything in the region without engaging with Hamas. And this time is coming.

SN: Israel is helping you a great deal these days, it seems? They are drawing censure from all quarters about their behaviors since the Gaza war, flotilla killings, Mabhouh assassination, settlement activity, destruction of the Bedouin communities in the Negev, etc.

KM: Yes of course, Israel is acting against its own interest. They want more regional hegemony, more power. They commit fatal mistakes against themselves, leaving no future for Israel. Occupation has no future, occupation will never be legitimized. It is only the weak people who live this fallacy, these false dreams -- and we are not weak. We are realistic and so we will achieve our ambitions. Yes, today Israel is more powerful than us - the balance of power is not in our favor today. There is a Palestinian and Arab weakness, there is an American bias, there is weakness in the international community's plans, but nevertheless the Palestinian people will ultimately win.

SN: Your political foe today --- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu --- was also prime minister in 1996 when he ordered your assassination. The attempted killing drew the direct intervention of US President Bill Clinton and Jordan's King Hussein who forced Netanyahu to provide an antidote for the toxin administered to you by Mossad agents. Politically, Netanyahu is your enemy -- but what are your emotions toward this man on a personal level?

KM: I say but the truth, so you must believe me. For me there is nothing personal, there is no single personal feeling toward him --- the only feeling I have is regarding his position towards my people. He is my enemy. Not because he tried to assassinate me - but because he is occupying my land. He is killing my people. Other than that dimension of being an enemy, an occupier in my homeland -- I don't have any additional personal feelings about him.

I consider myself bigger than this --- than having a personal clash with him. The suffering of my people is more important than my own suffering. The most important lesson out of this assassination attempt for me is that every individual has a pre-decided "time" from the almighty Allah, whether he dies in an assassination attempt or in his bed. If anything, this incident has made me more brave. We have a proverb which says "courage will never be a reason to shorten your life, nor would cowardliness be a reason to extend it."

SN: The war drums are beating against Iran -- what are your thoughts on this?

KM: At the Israeli level it's increasing and worsening, but I believe that it will need some time at the American level. I believe that Israel will need American support to wage a war. The Israelis will not be in need for direct support of the Americans for the war on Lebanon, but they will for a war on Iran.

Israel does not want peace. Israelis --- historically speaking --- live on wars and battles. The failure of Israel in the last two wars, in Southern Lebanon and in Gaza, reinforces this image in front of the world. They want to save their face, they want to change the history --- hence they are preparing for wars.

SN: We are often told that Hezbollah and Hamas take marching orders from Iran, and that Iran plans to use you folks in a proxy war against Israel. So let me ask you this...If Israel launched a military attack against Iran, how would Hamas react?

KM: We are not agents for anybody. We are not tools in the hands of the others. For sure we, Hezbollah, Iran and Syria have many things in common --- especially in terms of resistance -- but just as certainly, we are not a proxy for anybody, nor do we plan wars in other states. Hamas is not a "superpower" that can intervene to defend Hezbollah or Syria or Iran. Israel and America try to portray this --- that we are proxies for each other --- but this is very unrealistic.

SN: When you went to Saudi Arabia recently, Saudi Prince Faisal asked you whether you chose Iranians over Arabs....

KM: Correction - he asked whether our relations with Iran were at the expense of our relations with the Arabs and the Palestinian national interest. I told him: "yes, we have relations with Iran and will do so with whomever supports us. We will say thank you to them, but this is not at the expense of our Arab relations." We are a resistance movement, open to the Arabs, to the Muslims and to all countries in the world, and we are not part of any agenda for regional forces.

SN: A senior member of the Islamic Action Front in Jordan told me that in the first year after the Iranian revolution, 80 books were published on the Shia but that there had only been three, maybe four, such books published in the decades before the revolution. This division between Muslims continues to be exploited by different parties --- what can be done to diffuse this situation?

KM: You know the differences between the Sunni and the Shia is very well established historically, and it is still present today. But how to address this situation? Yes, some of the International parties they try to exploit to do as you say: divide and rule. And some parties in the region, official and non-official entities both, yes they want to make it a reason for war between the two worlds --- a sectarian battle --- between Shia and Sunni.

We, in Hamas, see ourselves --- Sunni and Shia -=-- as different sectarian-wise, but all part of one world. So we have to accommodate this difference and be united to confront the foreign enemy.

SN: Have you been reading about the Ground Zero mosque controversy in New York city? What are your thoughts on this very sensitive debate in the United States?

KM: Naturally speaking, America has to be in harmony with its own declared values. It's not fitting or appropriate for Americans --- under the guise of an anti-terrorism war --- to fight Muslims by restricting them in their rituals or religious practice. One of your citizenship rights is to practice your religion. If they are American and they are Muslim American, they have the right to build a mosque as part of their citizenship rights.

In short, aside from the political differences, the freedom of practicing religious rituals and having religious freedom --- for all religions --- should be granted without having disparity or political differences brought into it.

SN: Not too long ago, I was talking to someone from the US Military's CENTCOM who lamented the fact that there was never very much information available about the "personalities" of the Resistance leadership -- he enjoyed the fact that Hezbollah's foreign relations chief revealed in an earlier interview that he sometimes watches the Oprah Winfrey show with his wife. So I promised I would ask one personal question on his behalf, and it is this: What was your relationship with your father like growing up?

KM: Tell him to meet me and I will explain everything!

I am the eldest son of my father. We were 11 children, and being the eldest made it a special relationship. In our culture, when a man or woman becomes a parent, they are nicknamed after their first-born child, and my father was therefore called "Abu Khaled" or "father of Khaled" his whole life. My father fought the British Mandate and the Israeli terror gangs like Stern and Irgun. This is one of the influences that passed from my father to myself --- I have taken that spirit of resistance from him. And of course, within part of our Islamic and Arab culture, the deep emotional relationship between father and son --- this is also part of it.

My father passed on many of his qualities to me --- resistance; the practice of religion; courage and resolve; a democratic soul. He was very fair in his approach within the family, inside the home. He used to give us freedom and it has had its own impact on my upbringing. The child that gets such a democratic atmosphere will have more confidence in his or her decisions. Since I was a young boy, my father gave me complete liberty --- I have now brought the same policy to my own seven children.

My father was also a leader in his tribe, and with the clans and families at a social level. In a way he was a reference for our town on social affairs, so one major part of his personality was to be open to all horizons for the benefit of the family and the town. I was brought up with this environment, and I got this openness from my relationship with him.

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    Response: 信用卡套现
    空灵生妙笔,一夜梨花入梦来!(咏雪)人生但惜和家乐,风雨方能许愿同。 贫富辛劳携手共,自当万事满堂红。 镇江信用卡套现 五律《乡野雪东营南昌信 镇江信用卡套现 用卡代办信用卡取现景》 (平水韵) 落碧萧条景,梨花一夜开。 荒村生妙笔,似絮泻瑶台。 许是春迎去?方才蝶请来。 纷飞滑 东营 路远,谁把白云栽? 五律《冬梦》 (平水韵) 寒风吹陌上,重庆代还信用卡瑟瑟满眸前。 残菊销魂断,红颜落幕重庆信用卡代还煎。 孤鸿秋早别,一语梦迟牵。 料是征衣海口信用卡套现老,茫茫雪里天。 七律《江南雪》 重庆代还信用卡 (
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    广州部分银行疑因额度紧张暂停信用卡分期购车为传达学习中央经济工作会议精神,研究部署银行贯彻落实中央经济工作会议有关工作,近日各银行分别召开会议。会议围绕制 北京套现 止银行同非银行金融机构之间的不当 北京代还信用卡 合作,严格规范信贷资产转让的行为,科学把握信贷节奏,做好信贷结构调整等展开讨论,各银行还对明年的信贷工作作出部署。 昨日,记者从相关渠道了解到,广州有部分银行已暂停了信用卡分期购车,银行额度紧张直接导致车贷放款速度放缓, 大部分购车人如果想申请车贷,都要到明年才能申请现金 ,车行人士透露。 车贷放款要等到明年 江苏私人侦探 我
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    招商银行信用卡免息期及最低还款招商银行信用卡免息期:在您刷卡购物时,从银行记账日起至到期还款日之间的日期为免息还款期 成都侦探 。免息还款期最长50天。在此期间,您只要全额还清当期对账单上的本期应还金额,便不用支付任何利息。(预借现 上 金交易除外) 循环信用/最低还款 您可以按照自己的财务状况,每月在信用卡当期账单的到期还款日前,自行决定还款金额的多少。当您偿还的金额等于或高于当期账单的最低还款额,但低于本期应还金额时,剩余的延后还款的金额就是循环信用余额成都侦探。 循环信用是一种按日计息十分便捷的贷款工具, 济宁信用卡套现 不
  • Response
    关于利用分期付款方式购买商品的约定事项商场分期是招商银行信用卡消费信贷服务之一,即招商银行信用卡持卡人在进行北京信用卡代还款购 北京信用卡代还款 物消费的时候,可以选择将购买的商品或者服务的西安信用卡代还总价平均分成3期、6期、12期或者24期等若干期数(月芜湖私家侦探 份)分期支付。关于利用分期付款方式 西安信用卡代还 购买商品的约定事项 各合作商户提供的能以分期付款方式购买的商品详询店面 1. 持卡人应该在提出分期付款申请的同时向商场的收银部门出示本人的由招商银行核发的在有效期内的信用卡(不包括商务卡)。 2. 持卡人应 芜湖私家侦探 在
  • Response
    建行信用卡商 德州信用卡代还 户分期如何办 巴中私家侦探 理?建行信用卡商户分期如何办理? 分期付款作为信用卡的主要功能之一,也是银行的主流业务之德州信用卡代还一,给广大信用卡用户提供了便利。为了在众多的银行中脱颖而出,每家银行无不卯足力气推出各 北京信用卡还款公司 项分期付款特色业务,以吸引客户的关注巴中私家侦探。而建设北京信用卡还款公司银行提供的分期付款业务有购车分期、安居分期、商户分期、消费分期和账单分期五大分期业务。今天的小编主要想为大家介绍建行信用卡商户分期如何办理。 建行信用卡商户分期办理流程: ①选购:至建设淄博私家侦探 银行分期付款合
  • Response
    邮政信用卡积分兑换邮政信用卡积分如何兑换?怎样兑换邮政储蓄信用卡积分? 邮政信用卡积分兑换礼品有什么方法?邮政信用卡 资阳私人侦探 积分兑换规则是什么?邮 深圳私人侦探 政信用卡积分兑换礼品可以在网上进行吗?邮政信用卡积分兑换礼品有几种方法?下面介绍邮政信用卡积分兑换礼品方法。 邮政信用卡积分永久有效,且没消费1元便可累计1分,同时邮政储蓄还为邮政银行信用卡金卡持卡人准备了专享礼品,邮政储蓄信用卡积分可谓非常实用。 邮政信用卡积分兑换礼品方法 邮政银行信用卡用户可以拨打邮政储蓄信用卡24小资阳私人侦探时客服深圳私人侦 资阳私家侦探 探
  • Response
    Response: 北京套现
    银行收费、误导和 南昌信用卡套现 网银服务 北京信用卡代还 三大问题引发投诉频频时间:2014-01-13 14:43来源:中国消费者报作者: 编辑:无阅读: 1月8日,《360°银行评测报告》显示,2013年用户对于银行服务的满意度较2 深圳私家侦探 南昌信用卡套现012年有所提升,但银行收费、误导和网银服务问题引起消费者投诉较多。 1月8日,《360 银行评测报告》显示,2013年用户对于银行服务的满意度较2012年有所提升,但银行收费、误导和网银服务问题引起消费者投诉较多。 九成人不满信用卡收费 在本次调查中,93.7%的用户对信用卡收费
  • Response
    外资行落地之后:悄然筹推双币卡时间:2007-04长沙信用卡代还-16 13:09来源: 长沙信用卡代还 未知作者:admin编辑:Cindy阅读: 无锡私人侦探公司 因“叫停”事件而备受争议的双币卡,如今因外资法人银行的加盟而即将引发一场新的博弈。 4月2日,汇丰银行(中国)有限公司、渣打银行(中国)有限公司、东亚银行(中国)有限公司、花旗银行(中国)有限公司四家外资法人开业。 根据《外资银行管理条例》的规定,这些 因“叫停”事件而备受争议的双币卡,如今因外资法人银行的加盟 哈尔滨信用卡办理 而即将引发一场新的博弈。 4月2日,汇丰银行(中国)有限
  • Response
    Response: 北京提现
    自由职业者怎样申请信用卡(攻略)自由职业者是指没有受雇于任何公北京信用 北京信用卡还款 卡还款司,以个体劳动获得收入的一种职业,因为这一类群的人,缺少申请信用 福州私家侦探 卡的一个传统要求:有稳定的工作单位,所以在申请信用卡的时候很容易被拒,这里提供一些自由职业者申请信用卡的攻略,供自由职业者参考。 自由职业者是指没有受雇于任何公司,以个体劳动获得收入的一种职业,譬如自由撰稿人、独立的演员歌手、个人网站站长、淘宝店店主。因为这一类群的人,缺少申请信用卡的一个传统要求:有稳定的工作单位,所以在申请信用卡的时候很容易被拒,这里提 北京代还信用卡 供
  • Response
    iPhone 6可能配备移动支付功能,苹果已和信用卡机构商谈 杭州私家侦探 合作计划据The Information消息,苹 深圳信用卡取现 果已和几家信用卡机构商谈杭州私家侦探了合作计划,很可能于今年秋天推出支付服务,iPhone 用户可以凭设备在苹果实体店实现支付操作,当然用户支付信息也会同时上深圳信用卡取现传至电子钱包。而且该服务应该可以跟运营商撇开关系。 因此,新版 iPhone 即 iPhone 北京信用卡套现 6 会融合某些 安全元素 来存储敏感数据,很可能这种方式就是指纹识别 Touch ID。The Information 称苹
  • Response
    Response: 北京提现
    方便网申信申的朋友 直接网上查询挂号信快递 北京信用卡提现 进程时间:2010- 无锡办理信用卡 05-22 21:08来源:未知作者:admin编辑:Cindy阅读: 也许论坛里像我一样 各种信用卡申请 最喜欢网申信申的 那一定经常要挂号信或快递资料给卡部 快递都有专门的网站可以查询进程 但挂号信邮政根本北京信用卡提现就不提供这无锡办理信用卡项服务(确切地说 没有对外开放查询) 以下提供网址 绝 北京东城信用卡套现 对真实可用 无毒无木马 请大家放心 除了能方便查询 也许论坛里像我一样 各种信用卡申请 最喜欢网申信北京东城信用卡套现申的 那一定经深圳
  • Response
    大学生怎么申请信用卡大学生可申请附属卡,它和主卡共享同一个额度,并且,附属卡还款都是由主卡来还,附属卡 情感咨询 不负责还款。 据了解, 西安信用卡代还 现在很多银行都已经停止发行学生信用卡了。比情感咨询如招商银行已暂停young卡(学生版)的发行,现在有在发行的学生信用卡主要有中信银行i卡,中国银西安信用卡代还行高校淘宝联名卡,广发银行留学生卡》》》立刻申请广发银行信用卡!,工商银行牡丹学生卡北京信用卡取现公司等,具体想要申请可拨打银行客服热 北京信用卡取现公司 线询问,或者直南昌信用卡取现接到银行网点申请办理。 如果大学生想要申请信用卡,可以
  • Response
    招商 沈阳信用卡提现 银行信用卡溢缴款取现如何收费?招商银行信用卡里已经透支了1000元,如果此时存入3000元,再取出3000 重庆信用卡套现 元的情况下,银行该如何收费? 1、首先这张卡的 溢缴款 沈阳信用卡提现理论上应该显示为2000元 2、如果需要取3000元的话,则其中2000元是 溢缴款 的自有资金,另外1000元就要动用信用额度按取现金额计入。假设全部都是在ATM机提取,就要产生两部分取现其中2000元按溢缴款取现计算(千分之五 成都信用卡代还 的手续费),为10元,1000元按取现手续费1%,为10元,共20元。 什么是溢
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    武汉私家侦探 信用卡分期手续费打起价格战 部分低于贷款利率时间:2013-07-16 11:25来源:西安晚武汉私家侦探报作者: 编 苏州信用卡代还 辑:赵小亭阅读: 年中大考刚过,信用卡分期手续费率的“价格战”悄然打响。昨日,记者走访西安多家银行了解到,工行、建行、招商等多家银行近期推出了形式多样的信 达州私家侦探 用卡分期优惠,优惠幅度最高达五折。 年中大考刚过,信用卡分期手续费率的 价格战 悄然打响。昨日,记者苏州信用卡代还走访西安多家银行了解到,工行、建行、招商等多家银行近期推出了形式多样的信用卡分期优惠,优惠幅度最高达五折。业内人士
  • Response
    Response: 淮安妇科医院
    国开行累计贷款近3700亿元支持首都经济社会发展人民网6月24日电(记者 曹华) 昨日,北京市人民政府与国家开发银行在京签署《“十二五”时期开发性金融合作 昆山信用卡取现 备忘录》。双方就共同贯彻落实昆山信用卡取现科学发展观,促北京信用卡提现进北京“十二五”期间产业结构调整和发 北京信用卡提现 展方式转变,进一步加强基础设施、重点产业、社会民生、产业功能区建设、区域合作等领域合作。 根据合作备忘录北京代还信用卡,国家开发银行将继续深化与北京市政府在规划、融资、创新等领域合烟台信用卡套现作,发挥中长期投融资优势,充分运用“投北京信 北京代还信用卡 用
  • Response
    Response: 四川追债公司
    存贷比压力仍在折磨中小银行据普 重庆信用卡套现 益财富最新统计,截 成都私家调查公司 至7月中旬,商业银行共发行8512款人民币理财产品,比上年同期增长41%;其中,人民币理财产品筹资规模达6.37万亿,同比增长52%。近日,《经济参考报》记者从多家银行了解到,7月新重庆信用卡套现发售的同类 济南信用卡套现 短期理财产品预成都私家调查公司期年化收益率已经开始下降,且下降幅度达到30%,新近发行的理财产品收益率普遍在4%至5%之间。这意味着,经历了6月末银行“冲时点”考核之后,银行揽储大战暂时告一段落,然而,对于中小银行而言,存贷比承压还未结束。银行周
  • Response
    安徽省筹建首家民营银行 核准为合肥银行近日,国务院发布《关于金融支持经济结构调整和转型升级的指导意见》,提出了“尝试由民间资本发起设立自担风险的民 北京信用卡还款 营银行”,为设立民营银行亮了绿灯。目前,民企申办银行已成一股热潮。昨日,记者获悉,安徽即将成立首家民营银行,目前 淮安私人侦探 银行名称已经正式核准为合肥银行。 安徽省工商联有关负责北京信用卡还款人介绍,为贯彻国务院《关于金融支持经济结构调整和转型升级的指导意见》的精神,促进民营企业支持实体经济,充分发挥民营企业对金融业的支持,优化皖江城市带金融业布局,安徽省正加快 泉州信用卡代还 设

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