WikiLeaks: A Guide to EA's Saturday-Monday Coverage

1. A two-part special evaluating the January 2010 assessment of the Green Movement and Iranian politics by the US Consulate in Dubai:
Part 1: "US Diplomats Assess the Green Movement and the Political Situation"
Part 2: "US Diplomats Assess Green Movement and Politics 'From Crisis to Stalemate'"
2. Getting behind misleading headlines to assess the claim "Saudi Arabia: A Cash Machine for Terrorists"
3. Getting to the real significance on an American assessment of the situation in Iraq: "Comparing the Threats from Saudi Arabia and Iran"
1. A November 2009 diplomatic episode involving the US and Libya: "When the Nuclear Deal Almost Unraveled...Because Qadhafi Couldn't Camp in New York"
2. The State Department warns students, "Link to Documents and You'll Never Work for Us"

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