Today on EA (12 February 2010)

We have three special reports and analyses this morning. Mr Verde sees the Regime's win yesterday as pyrrhic: "For any regime, especially one that claims to be a popular republic based on Islam, pointing TV cameras at the right-looking crowd while beating the “wrong crowd” with all its might, especially on the anniversary of its formation, is not a victory."
EA's Scott Lucas considers the political significance of yesterday's events, and concludes that, if President Ahmadinejad could be said to have won, then he "won ugly". EA correspondent Mr Azadi, who was in close contact with sources in Tehran throughout Thursday, gives a detailed summary from eyewitness accounts. We have also highlighted Pedestrian’s snapshot and compelling interpretation that any “defeat” for the opposition yesterday was a tactical miscalculation rather than the end of the challenge to the Government.
We now have two video specials: the claimed attack on Mehdi Karroubi and an 8+ minute clip, analysed in detail, during the President's speech in Azadi Square.
We have posted an ABC TV interview with internet activist Mehdi Saharkhiz (of "Only Mehdi" fame) and will continue to add to yesterday's video posts from Iran (set four can be viewed here), together with other TV coverage that has and will become available.
The regime's propaganda machine drones on about nukes, nukes and more nukes, trying to divert attention away from internal squabbles and human rights issues. We'll keep you updated on all the news our live weblog throughout the day.
Afghanistan: We've re-posted a special analysis from Nick Turse, writing for TomDispatch on the number of military bases in The Afghanistan Occupation - 700 Military Bases (and counting).