Iran Election Guide

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Entries in Political Humour (5)


Today on EA (27 December 2009)

TOWN CRIERIran: On the holy day of Ashura, coinciding with the 7th day of mourning for Ayatollah Montazeri, thousands of protesters are on the streets of Tehran and other cities throughout Iran. Amidst clashes with security forces, five demonstrators have been killed.

Today's videos are already coming through and we are adding to them continuously, now starting a second set (and now set #3). There is also a link to a detailed map of Tehran to help follow events.

We have a video special on the attack on the Jamaran memorial and the Khatami speech yesterday (26 December).

EA's Scott Lucas has written an open letter to the columnist Charles Krauthammer, saying thanks for his "concern" but "Now Go Away": the people of Iran can manage without "false friends".

We have uncovered a top secret relationship between US President Obama and Ahmadinejad! (but please note we have at times been known to have a joke with our readers).

All the latest news can be read in our live weblog .

Israel: A few days after Israeli PM Netanyahu announced that he would break-up Kadima unless Tzipi Livni joined a national unity government, Haaretz's Nehemia Shtrasler has responded by accusing him of being being "corrupt".

Iran Uncovered: The Top-Secret Obama-Ahmadinejad Relationship

After EA's super-spies hacked into President Ahmadinejad's G-mail account, we took our investigation a bit further. If you look carefully, you will see a message from President Barack Obama at 9.36 am, "Stop sending me this s***! We are not friends. It is not "LOL" yo..."

So what was Obama referring to? Our intrepid investigators trotted the globe, or at least checked out a couple of dubious Internet links, and reached back 15 years....

Iran Top-Secret: The President’s Gmail Account

Here is the picture from a Harvard University conference on civil and transport engineering in 1994. At that time, Obama was teaching constitutional law at Harvard while Ahmadinejad was a Visiting Scholar in Rhetoric and Global Ethics.


A friendship started at the canteen of the Harvard Law School but now apparently broken. No wonder, as our source from President Ahmadinejad's local fitness centre has confirmed, that Mahmoud has been working out his disappointment on the treadmill (apparently to the music of a Miss Miley Cyrus).


Iran Top-Secret: The President's Gmail Account

For the holidays, a bonus flashback --- we first posted this on 30 September:

Don't ask how Enduring America's super-spies got access to this (OK, OK, we met Mahmoud in a Starbucks in New York last week --- he was a bit down because Jennifer Aniston wouldn't have dinner with him, so we bought him a large vanilla latte and things proceeded from there). We think it shows that the little man isn't just a megalomaniac with a dubious line on the Holocaust, but a fella with interests (who can resist E-Bay?) like you and me.

Warning: some of Mahmoud's e-mail can be Adults Only in its language. And you might need a big screen to make out all the traffic.


Today in EA (14 December)

Iran: In addition to the latest developments, Scott Lucas has EA's Monday analysis of the weekend's events and an interview in the Italian newspaper La Stampa . We've got the first videos from today's university protests, and there's new footage from the 16 Azar protests which only surfaced over the weekend. We have a winner in our first EA caption competition - well done bigwinnman!

As always, you can keep up to date with news as we get it in our live weblog.

Israel: The Netanyahu Cabinet gives legitimacy to the settlements in the West Bank by approving them in the National Priorities Map.

Why We Know Obama is A Muslim (Clue 437: The Charlie Brown Christmas Special)

Nobel Peace Prize ObamaAnother one for our Sunday Funnies section....

Alongside the most important encyclopedia ever, Conservapedia ("The [Non-Liberal] Truth Shall Set You Free"), we have carefully tracked the dangers of secret Muslim infiltration of the non-Muslim United States through the 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama. We have documented the "evidence" of Conservapedia and other intrepid websites, covered the scandal of Obama's bow to the Saudi King (and to a small child, who may or may not be Muslim) and we have examined the evidence of a YouTube investigator that Obama Is Osama.

But now the conclusive proof: Barack Obama's speech on Afghanistan and Pakistan last Tuesday replaced the annual US television special, "A Charlie Brown Christmas".

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the highlights of American culture, Charlie Brown is a character is a comic strip called Peanuts, which has run for about 375 years even though it was funny for about three. Sometime in the 19th century (or maybe 1965), CBS Television produced a half-hour programme which appears on US screens every December.

Except apparently, it got bumped from the schedule last Tuesday. The mayor of Arlington, Tennessee, Russell Wiseman, takes up the story:
Ok, so, this is total crap, we sit the kids down to watch "The Charlie Brown Christmas Special" and our muslim president is there, what a load.....try to convince me that wasn't done on purpose. Ask the man if he believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he will give you a 10 minute disertation about it....when the answer should simply be "yes".

The mayor, added in defense of Christianity and Charlie Brown, "You obama people need to move to a muslim country…oh wait, that’s America….pitiful.”

(And preferably, Christians who own big homes: Wiseman noted, “You know, our forefathers had it written in the original Constitution that ONLY property owners could vote, if that has stayed in there, things would be different……..”)

Next week: some politician in some US state claims Obama replaces "It's a Wonderful Life" with an Osama bin Laden video.