Today on EA

The notable political developments today are statements from former President Hashemi Rafsanjani --- thanks to an EA reader, we have an English summary --- and from Mir Hossein Mousavi for 16 Azar, which we have posted in an abridged translation.
And don't forget that our 1st Enduring America Photo Caption Contest, featuring a Mr M. Ahmadinejad, is still open.
Afghanistan/Pakistan: It's super-spin day for the Obama Administration, as it sells the President's escalation plan on Sunday talk shows. (There's also puffery in the "inside reports" in The New York Times and The Washington Post on how Obama reached his decision.)
We've got transcripts, with snap analysis, of the interviews of Secretary of State Clinton and Secretary of Defense Gates on ABC News and on NBC News. Meanwhile, here's the top-quality, hard-hitting questioning you can expect from CNN's John King: "We'll use the Magic Wall for help during our interview w/ National Security Adviser Gen. James Jones." (He has even put up a picture of the magical Magic Wall.)
Middle East Inside Line: We have the latest on possible Israel-Syria peace talks, with Turkey as a mediator, and the response of Israeli settlers to their government's 10-freeze on construction in the West Bank.
The Switzerland Minaret Ban: Continuing our coverage of the incident, we note the intervention of the Iranian Foreign Minister.
Sunday Funnies: To lighten the mood, we have the latest in our series "Why We Know Barack Obama is a Muslim".
John King,
New York Times,
Washington Post in
News & Announcements

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