Why We Love Conservapedia: Converting Liberals Through Death

Our favourite on-line encyclopedia continues to give us joy with its detailed examination of "Why Do Non-Conservatives Exist?"
The Conservapedia team has now added the scientific study "What Triggers Reconsideration of Liberal Beliefs?" Not quite sure of the methodology, apart from "making up a lot of numbers", but apparently 15% find the conservative light with the "loss of a loved one that resulted from accepting or promoting liberal values, as in losing a loved one to crime caused by pornography, drug addiction, gambling, etc."
Those dramatic findings in full:
The Conservapedia team has now added the scientific study "What Triggers Reconsideration of Liberal Beliefs?" Not quite sure of the methodology, apart from "making up a lot of numbers", but apparently 15% find the conservative light with the "loss of a loved one that resulted from accepting or promoting liberal values, as in losing a loved one to crime caused by pornography, drug addiction, gambling, etc."
Those dramatic findings in full:
- 25%: raising or teaching children, and realizing how destructive liberal values are to many of them
- 20%: a religious conversion followed by taking the Bible to heart
- 15%: a loss of a loved one that resulted from accepting or promoting liberal values, as in losing a loved one to crime caused by pornography, drug addiction, gambling, etc.
- 10%: a new friendship with someone who is conservative, and realizing how much good flows from the conservative values[1]
- 10%: simply by maturing and seeing liberalism's impact around them, and realizing what they were taught as youth was wrong
- 10%: a desire to learn the truth, and a dislike for those who mislead
- 5%: using conservative values to overcome an addiction, and then realizing the benefits of conservative values in many other ways
- 5%: taking a truthful course in economics, or learning it in the workforce[2]